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Everything posted by Quentin

  1. Dan, As John isn't coming, would you have a spare few envelopes for scales, etc that I could use Saturday? QT
  2. Hey Dan, Looks like Heather and I will bring cake again for potluck, if that works for everyone. QT
  3. Heather and I are making arrangements for this. Looks like we'll have to bring both children, which means she'll be stuck parenting, and I'll be stuck fishing on my own. Now...I need to call Rolf and book my site. I can't remember which I ended up with last time... QT
  4. Great video...I quite enjoyed that. QT
  5. Paul, It was my first float, and my only pontoon experience has been Muir and Star lakes for 5 or so outings. It was really easy to "master the river" with the pontoon boat. On our float, there was only one small, 10m portion which made me look twice, but it was easy enough to stay out of the rough part by pumping the oars a bit. Now...it takes a bit of paying attention to ensure you stop fishing in enough time to put your road away, pick up the oars, and avoid sweepers, etc. I almost broke a rod by being greedy with one-more-cast-itis... but I didn't break anything. The float from the damn to RR 20 took us 6-7 hours, but we stopped A LOT, and fished the banks quite a bit. We could have run the gauntlet and only fished to risers, and would have been done in around 3 hours. I HIGHLY recommend taking your pontoon boat on that float trip. It was wicked fun, and a fantastic way to pass a day. When shall we go? QT
  6. I'll tie up some of those wooly worms that Garhan posted under wet flies.
  7. Yeah, it was wonderful. What a way to fish a river!!! I'm quite excited to plan more floats. Now...I have to come up with a second pontoon boat for the Mrs.... oh, and a babysitter Gary and Jim, it was a fantastic day. Thank you both for your help all day. Did anyone else know you could get three full pontoon boats, and three full grown men into one mini-van??? QT
  8. I'll keep it easy, and I'll bring my truck too. That makes logistics a bit easier, and I can have it all packed up the night before, with no cross-loading, or forgetting something in the truck A bit of rain in the forcast.... bring a jacket. QT
  9. I'm very excited. 6 am it is. My friend couldn't make himself available to use your water skeeter. Anyone else up for it? Garhan, do you still have a friend coming? Four of us, total, then? QT
  10. Jim, A friend might be interested in that....
  11. Well, we could push it off an hour, and set everything up to be floating away by 0730. QT
  12. Gary...tried to message you as well. Says you can't receive messages. Is the messanger broken? Have I been banned? Anyway...here's what I'm thinking for timings. Tell me if they're too early. I don't think I'll be overnighting the night before, and I can't get away with it Saturday night (daughter's B-day party on Sunday). Is 0630 too early to be floating away? That means we'd have to drop off the boats at 0600, drive a vehicle to the pick up point, and then return. Which means I'd have to leave St. Albert about 0330... Thoughts?
  13. Hey Jim, Seems you can't receive any new messages. We need to coordinate a morning timing, and vehicle placement. I'd like to get a really early start, which means even real earlier to drop a vehicle down river, and then come back upstream to get started. Clean up your message box, and I'll send you my cell number to coord the details. QT
  14. Any specific patterns you'd recommend? I did some research, and noticed that Hex and brown drakes tend to be evening/night emergers. Figure we'll have time for an evening float? Elk-hair caddis a good pattern for here? QT
  15. Lies?!!? I don't think I heard a single lie on the last trip. Then again, may have had something to do with the rum..... Oh...maybe I was the one telling them? QT
  16. I'm quite sure Mrs T and I will be there again. Maybe our son, too, but I'm not sure yet. QT
  17. There's no way I'll have a chance to get many of those tied before I go. I'll have to see what the fly shops have. But, if I were to find the time to tie 12 flies, which should they be? Sorry for the crappy question after you've already offerred good advice. QT
  18. Yeah, the more the merrier, of course! Doesn't look like I can over-night it...but you never know. Once we're pretty sure who all is coming, we'll start to make a plan for Timings and which vehicles for drop off, and which for pick up. QT
  19. 28th it is. Anyone else interested, just let us know. QT
  20. What about Saturday the 28th? Failing that, I have the 23-27 week off with only one prior commitment, but I don't know what day that'll happen yet. QT
  21. Lol...I meant: "Where's Obed? Is it a river...or a lake, or a geographical area?" QT
  22. You go in at the damn, and get out at RR20?| Could you go further? QT
  23. Thanks, Garhan. I'd be more apt to try early morning than late evening: if we get in any trouble at all, we'd be spilling into daylight, not darkness. QT
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