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dipperdan last won the day on April 21 2019

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    Fishin, Fishin, And more Fishin

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  1. Paul is doing better and waiting for some procedures. He is sending his regrets and won’t make the trip. Seeing Paul cannot make it Jeff you can take his bed. I may still be moving last minute items to our new home, so most likely will not make the meeting and packing for the trip. As for arrival to Hi hostel, Sue will not be there after 11:00, I hope to be there earlier to check in and assign rooms. I am hoping this warm weather will not colour up the rivers too much.
  2. Yes William , you and your Dad are booked.
  3. We have an opening for one more fisher, one of our compadres ended up in the hospital. $30.00 per night May 4 to 7. Please reply on this post…
  4. Sorry I was messing with the calendar and I messed up!!! The trip is still on!!! May 4-7 at Abraham lake/ North Saskatchewan River…
  5. The Hi hostel Nordegg has been booked for May 4-7, we have 3 rooms booked with 5 fly fishers per room. Rooms are full, cost per person per night is $30.00. It should be a fun time, there could well be other people staying at the lodge . No need to bring bedding they provide . Just your fishing gear and food, beverage of choice, but please be discreet. ps. I have paid out of pocket, so if you could reimburse me sooner than later would appreciate. Thank you Dan
  6. Hello, I have changed the dates to May4-7. The club is have a fly fishing course the April weekend. I hope you can still make it? Please let me know… thanks Dan
  7. Unfortunately there is a conflict with the club flyfishing lessons on April 29. I am in the process of setting up with Hi Hostel in Nordegg for the following weekend, May 4-7 ( Thursday-Sunday) . Same details just different dates. Hope this doesn’t cause any issues!!!
  8. Hello all. A few years back we enjoyed a few days on the North Saskatchewan above Abraham Lake west of Nordegg. The Friday was awesome, fish were caught. Saturday the snow came, we ventured out and enjoyed another great day, even with the 4 inches of white stuff. We stayed at the Nordegg Hi Hostel. It is a great facility, kitchen with all utensils are provided, just need to bring your own food. As for sleeping, they had shared rooms. No need to bring sleeping bags, they provided everything. We had 2 rooms, we had a lady join us and the guys tried not to snore more than her, so all was good!!! I am talking names , so if you would like to join us , contact me or Dick with outside programs.
  9. Sorry to hear ( a bit late) , hope all is well!!
  10. Thanks for the help James and Ervin, we cleaned up Star Lake, Muir Lake and Hasse Lake.
  11. We are looking for volunteers to spend a couple of hrs to clean up garbage left by others. Saturday September 18 will be the clean up day, sorry for the short notice. The lakes are Muir, Hasse, Star. Clean up to start at 10am for a couple of hrs and fish after. I can provide garbage bags and gloves if needed. Rubber boots will come in handy if you have. If we could have 3 groups that would be great. Contact me here on the forum. Dan
  12. Back home safe and sound , had a great time even with the rain and slow fish catching as the week went on.Fished some new water , streams were higher than normal. Thanks for hosting Jim, hope the tow truck arrived in good time. Have to find a new rental company!!! Sad that Scott Rowan has gone to a better fishing place and glad Ervin had no bodily injuries in the collision on his way to the clave. Dave meet a new friend!!! Hope to see all at next years
  13. Irene and I are heading to the Blackstone Sunday , see you all there !!
  14. So sad to hear of Scott Rowans passing .
  15. So sad to read this, Scot was a great guy, fun to talk to and very knowledgeable. Scot will be missed at or outings. Tight lines Scott!!!
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