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Itchy&Firey's Dolberg CSI-Klave (Non-NLFT Event)


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The Dolberg CSI-Klave is a Member driven klave (therefore not an official NLFT klave)


WHERE: Dolberg Lake


WHEN: May 26-29 2005


WHO: Ranger-Bob and Scratch (your hosts...)


WHY: Celebrate all that is May in Alberta... catch some fish (or 100's your choice) Injest some scotch, be an idiot.


COST: 7$ Night at the campground - honor system collection.


Official Site: TO BE DETERMINED - I think Scratch is gonna host this one. :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Scratchy... you can add these links to the Klave page if you'd like... I'll host the BW.


http://ranger-bob.net/video/Dolberg.wmv (RB & PyroPerry Production Vid)


http://ranger-bob.net/nlft/Dolberg%20-%20The%20Movie.wmv (Dolberg The Movie)


We need a countdown clock on that page too. ;)


I should do the same for Alberta Klave 2 uh-oh 5. ;)

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I see in the list of attendees, you missed Chiquita's ballast.


Scratch, you need to add the following names to the list too:


Alberta Al

Brian B.

Pacres El Lawnmower


Anyone else coming? Yo Alex.. buy a tent yet?


No... we didn't forget your ballast! Blonde or Brunette Dave?

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Are you guys staying and fishing on the Monday or heading home early on the Monday? I might come down on the Sunday if you guys are satying and fishing the Monday. Let me know.


Cheers :cheers:


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The ballast is a black haired beauty.

Right Alex?



It's only a 2 and a bit hour drive home

so I think I'll stay until about 4 pm Monday

then hit the road for home so I can work Tuesday.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Are you guys staying and fishing on the Monday or heading home early on the Monday?  I might come down on the Sunday if you guys are satying and fishing the Monday.  Let me know.


Cheers :cheers:


Doc, probably be heading home in the mid to late afternoon on Monday. If you come out early on the Monday.. I'm shore we can go fishing. :D


Scratch.... only 25 more days till we own that lake too. ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Only 8 more days!


Now, regarding the campground closure, and these rumours.





I called the number on the sign below just now and spoke with Jenny @ 780-647-3331 whom indicated the campground is not officially closed. She did indicate that she'd heard these rumours too, and indicated that Fish & Wildlife is out there every Monday to check the place out. They still continue to go out and clean the place, so it's in use.


She said the campgound will be open for sure on the Long Weekend and the following during the Klave time. (The place will be a zoo on Victoria Weekend! Why we go the week after now.).


So.. no worries... unless you sleep in a tent, or paint yourself up to glow in the dark. Frankly, I'd be more scared of the Wild Boars at night. Who knows, there could be a real CSI this year.. you never know. :lol:


More Pics From Last Year:




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I'm getting itchy already!


We're less than 2 weeks away - and the crowd should be planning their getaway, food and fuel needs!


Any questions about the camp you haven't gotten answered already - please let us know! You can email me at neotek@telusplanet.net with your questions - or post them here!




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I'll be up for Saturday Night. I have a fuction to attend on the Friday / Saturday night. :curse: Was looking forward to padding the creel for the rest of the year!! Oh well, I'll be there for one day at least.

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Ummm... YEEHAH!


Oh yeah - only 15 days till we can go Pike'n at Jackfish!

Time to check the regs I guess!





THAT'S why I ALWAYS check the regs before getting prepped to go out somplace.


Coulda SWORN it was May 15 last year - but whatever, that's only 5 more days.


So - FRIDAY MAY 20th is the opener - so the 21st - I'll be at Jackfish for the AM in the tube.

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Ummm... YEEHAH!


Oh yeah - only 15 days till we can go Pike'n at Jackfish!



Why I decided to go to Cold Lake on May 15th instead of Jackfish Lake. ;)




I feel the neeed... the neeed for speeed. Just bought a new Sigma 70-300mm F4/5.6 Super Macro II lens so I can photograph zits on the pilots faces as they scream by at Mach 1.


And on a fishy related note. A test shot of my fish tank from across the living room with new lens:




Now.. an extreme closeup... I love this lens!




Fighter Planes Tuesday (15th)... Friday (20th)... it's Bow River with Barry.. week after Dolberg (27th)


Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet! I still gotta pack too.




So, where are we going fishing this weekend? :ph34r:

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UHM, okay. So the bear is a Grizzly! HUGE!


I just seen video of it on Global TV (shot on May 6th) showing it walking by the dock, stomping near the dumpsters, and sniffing the camptable that we normally stay at!


So, yeah.. this could put a damper on things now!


Watch the 10 PM news tonight.. I will try to digitize and post the video tonight.


Uh... big bear! Really big!

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SEE YOU AT THE BRAZEAU CANYON FISHIN TRIP........ :rolleyes:  :rolleyes:  :rolleyes:  :clap:  :clap:  :clap:

Uhm.. okay Dan. Get well soon!


BRAZEAU CANYON FISHIN TRIP? What's the URL.. never heard of it.



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This grizzly puts a whole new spin on the Dolberg trip.


When I was there last week there was talk about a female grizzly that was wounded by a farmer the week before. The campground was closed and bear traps were set up. But everything was ok when I was there.


I hope everything gets resolved before next weekend.


Brazeau Canyon trip is the weekend of June 17-19. (Which is the same weekend I am stuck in Calgary.) Contact Brian Bleackley for details.



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