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Whats Happening Wed Night


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Ooh Crap

I hate months with 5 wednesdays, it totally screws up my dates.

I did issue an amended newsletter, but somehow it didn't get posted.

I'll try again.

In the mean time

Tomorrow, that's the 23rd, Dennis is doing the Spastic Weevil

Next Week, that's the 30th, Michael is supposed to be doing the Vest thing.

I hope that works out for both of you.


This WILL NOT happen next month. Promise!

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Something :blink: screwy :blink: happened to the newsletter while in cyber space :lol: . The dates got shuffled around. Like Michael said, Dennis will be tying up his spastic weevil and Michael will be talking about vests.

Now if that's not your cup of tea, one can always tie up some woolly buggers and /or woolly worms ;);););) .

Looks like the end of the month is open, so we'll just have to inprovise.

Doh, looks like Dave beat me to it. Either way, we'll make it work.


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Okay guys I will try and come up with another pattern. What I might do is something like a parachute using the magic tool and maybe a quill body to go with the pattern. Something like a BWO CDC parachute quill body :eek::drinked::eek: . along with the Spastic Weevil :monkey: .


Tight Lines always

Dennis S. :fishing::fish_jump:


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This week, March 30th, at NLFT&F we have:

Michael Dell on The Good the Bad and The Ugly ;)

A Presentation on Fishing Vests :clap:


Those not interested will be drafted to haul stuff out to the Outdoor Show. :blink:

That event starts Thursday and goes to Sunday :kicks:

Many more kids to "hook" on Fly Tying :wave_smile:

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