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Hello from Grande Prairie


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Hi my handle is FiskPete, but go by Peter Patershuk.

My son and I have returned to Fly Fishing this summer. I fly fished 50 years ago.

What I knew about fly fishing was rudimentary and still is. 

By chance I met Rob Boisvert at Spring Lake north of Grande Prairie where he gave me a fly which proved to be very productive.

Rod spoke very highly of the members of NLFF and suggested that I join even though I live in GP. 

I haven't been able to find a fly fishing club in the GP area except for a defunct web page.

So I am looking forward to leaning as much as I can even though the curve seems fairly steep.

I'm not sure if I will ever be able attend a meeting.

So cheers,



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  • 2 years later...

Hello FiskPete.

I just joined T.U. and this forum. I lived in G.P. from 1999 to 2005 and know the streams pretty well. We must share some stories soon. I also hope to make a trip or two to the region with a fly rod handy.


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