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Two Things...

Tys Flies

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First off, I was wondering if anybody has any information in regards to the Whiting Co-op that virtual fly shop hosts on their website. I emailed them a couple of days ago with some questions and there has been no response. Mostly I was wondering if it is still offered and wheter or not when you select a package ie) you get all the listed feather colors. For example underneath of the essentials package it list grizzly, brown, ginger, white, black, etc. but there is no clarification if you have to pick one color or if you get all of them. Also, there is no clarification in regards to the size of hooks the feathers will cover. Secondly, I need a link to Chan's and Rowley's stillwater solutions. I went through the superfly webpage and the link seems to be down. When I did a google there wasn't many hits and some of them were just shops that offered the product and it did not have a full listing of materials.




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Hey Tyler


For the whiting co-op you get one pack of each color listed for each set. So 1 black, 1 grizzley, 1 brown etc. Yes I bought all 3. The quality of the hackle I got was awsome, and ties 18-10 sized flies. If you want smaller, there is a midge package as well.


Stillwater does not have a site, but the link from superfly leads to a pdf file.

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Thanks for the info. guys. Wow, I can't believe you get all that for the $30 or so dollars, I am definately going to purchase from him. I think I will just get the essentials package but the grizzly package looked promising as well. It seemed a little bit hard to believe at first that they would offer all that considering here the city one of those Whiting 100 packs (which I buy) run you between $15-20. Maybe you guys could answer a few of my other questions then: How long did it take for shipping and how many feathers of each color do you get? Darren, when I clicked on the Stillwater solutions under the Products heading at the Super Fly sight it popped up the little sub heading that describes what it is, with a pic of Rowley and Chan and then there is a button to open it at the bottom. I've been to it before and realize it is a PDF but this time it would not open. I don't think it has anything to do with my security features as nothing was stated, but I could be wrong. Any solutions? or did it work for you?



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I was able to open the stillwaters pdf without any problems. Try updating your acrobat reader to the most current release. You could also try right clicking the link, and choosing save target as... and save the file to your hard drive, and try opening it from there.


As far as the feathers go, The essential are.... well... essential. I also use the grizzley quite open, and the grizzley colors are very nice. Each pack has about 25-30 feathers in it, If you look at at a typical whiting 100 pack, you will get around 12 feathers or so. I can tie about 6-7 seven hackle wings per feather, so I'm easily tying between 150 and 210 or more per package. The last co-op that was offered had gone up in price to about $34 per set. I'll see if I can find a link for you as well.

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Yep - I'm with Pacres.


Took me 2 weeks to get the hackle - but when it arrived I got 6 packs with 3x the amount of hackle as the 100's packs. (I still have more hackle in each pack than the 100's, and so far - I've doled out hackle to a half dozen people for trades.)


The only thing to note - with the 100's packs - you get absolutely consistent #18 hackle - with the co-op - you get that PLUS hackle for the 10-16 and even some for 20+ (not much of the realllllly small stuff - but enough.)



Frankly - just get it - you'll be happy. I'm currently deciding on my next set...


Cheers -

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well boys, I got my feathers today! Byard shipped them out on the 17th and I got them today, so thats about a week. My order was around the 14th. So a week and half for all that hackle, looks well worth it. Thanks for the recommendation Darren and Scratch. Like they said, I've got about 20-25 feathers per package that range from maybe a 14-18. I got 6 packs in total, supposedly grade 1 hackle, if not still looks like good stuff. It will work out to close to $50 canadian when the dust settles and I get my credit card statement. Think of the math this way though, one of those Whiting hundred packs which I believe only have 10 feathers (correct me if Im wrong) and the last I saw a brown package size 18 at the fishin' hole was $19.95. You can't go wrong, I figure, especially if your someone like me whose an occasional tyer, likes to tie a variety of patterns and so needs all the different colors. I think a half grizz saddle is about $34.95 and a full saddle is close to $50. But then those are lesser quality and your stuck with enough grizzly feathers to put into your will for your children. Highly recommend this. Well guys won't see you tonite but hopefully next week.




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