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A primary goal of NLFF is to advocate for and promote opportunities for recreational angling in Alberta, not only for the social, physiological and psychological benefits it provides but because there is evidence to suggest that those introduced to angling tend to be more actively involved in supporting and protecting the resource and the environment in general.  This year NLFF successfully applied for a grant from Alberta Conservation Association to further this goal with specific reference to the City of Beaumont and ACA.s Fish Stocking program. The project is now complete.

The goals of this project were to:

·         increase awareness of and support for recreational angling in Beaumont, Alberta by its citizens, City administration and elected officials;

·         increase public awareness of ACA’s trout stocking program, trout species stocked by ACA in Beaumont’s Don Sparrow Lake (previously known as Beaumont Pond), responsible angling practices, and the dangers of dumping fish and aquarium plants in local waterbodies;

·         encourage and help facilitate a partnership between the City of Beaumont and ACA for maintaining and enhancing the Fish Stocking program in Beaumont in future years

·         free up resources for ACA to expand its Fish Stocking program to other municipalities

The process:

Northern Lights Fly Fishers (NLFF) provided volunteer input to the creation of Beaumont’s Recreation Master Plan especially regarding the recreational, social and economic benefits of maintaining and promoting a local recreational fishing opportunity. With the agreement of City administration NLFF then purchased and stocked 2,500 20cm rainbow trout in Don Sparrow Lake which was then supplemented by the stocking of 250 brown trout by ACA. NLFF then designed and had manufactured signage for the lake illustrating the differences between the two species and providing information on responsible angling practices. In addition, NLFF arranged for Alberta Environment and Parks to provide the City with signage for the lake and for all of the city’s storm water ponds regarding the illegality and dangers of dumping fish and aquarium contents.  An article, ‘Don Sparrow Lake – Bringing Nature to the City’ was then written by NLFF and published in ‘Beaumont News’ describing the history of the fishery, the stocking program, responsible angling practices and the dangers of introducing invasive species. NLFF also provided some angling education at the Lake including assistance with ACA’s Kids Can Catch event, introducing new immigrants to fishing and teaching other individuals how to catch a fish.

The City administration drafted a letter of thanks to ACA’s CEO for its many years of stocking Don Sparrow Lake. This was signed by the Mayor who then invited NLFF to make a presentation to City Council at its public meeting on October 22nd, 2019 in support of NLFF’s recommendation to Council that the City become a Corporate Partner in Conservation with ACA.  It is anticipated that the City will formally approve the Partnership in conjunction with its 2020 budget approval in late January 2020.

Fish ID Sign.jpg

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