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North Saskatchewan Watershed Alliance

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After hearing Billie Millholland's presentation or reading her book, "Living in the Shed", some members might be interested in becoming a member of the North Saskatchewan Watershed Alliance. If so, all you have to do is complete the form on their website at https://www.nswa.ab.ca/get-involved/individual-membership/ If you become or are already a member of the North Saskatchewan Watershed Alliance and are interested in taking an active role in supporting the organization, you may want to consider submitting your name for election to the Society`s Board of Directors..There are twelve positions open for a two year term. It has been suggested that a member of Northern Lights might be a valuable addition to the Society's Board as a voice for fish and fish habitat in the watershed.. If you plan to run for election, you must submit a Board Director Nomination Form to water@nswa.ab.cawater@nswa.ab.ca> by 5 pm Friday May 10, 2019.Also, if you are planning on attending the NSWA Annual General Meeting on June 19, 2019 at the Oldtimers Cabin in Edmonton.please register on Eventbritehttps://www.eventbrite.ca/e/nswa-annual-general-meeting-tickets-59458861054> as they need to know know how many people will be there.


For more information please contact Communications@nlft.org 



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