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Porter Property Update


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As you probably remember the NLFF Chapter contributed towards the purchase of the Porter property on the Raven River by the Alberta Conservation Association for designation as a conservation site. Following is an update from ACA:


"Dear partners and supporters,


We have some exciting news!  Earlier this month ACA staff conducted surveys to look for trout spawning activity within the roughly 4 km of the Raven River that flows through the recently purchased Porter and adjacent Drake conservation sites. Previous studies did not identify these areas as spawning locations so we were pleasantly surprised to find numerous trout redds (simple “nests” where female trout lay their eggs). See the attached file for a couple examples of what we found. Here is also a link to ACA’s Facebook page where we posted the terrific news for the public to see: https://www.facebook.com/AlbertaConservationAssociation/photos/a.435111282461/10156160768677462/?type=3&theater.


Evidence of trout spawning activity throughout this section of river is both exciting and it’s also encouraging to see we focused our conservation efforts on important habitat worth protecting. We’re hopeful the careful management of these conservation sites will continue to be a success story for the Raven River and it’s beautiful trout inhabitants.


Thank you.


Marco Fontana, P. Biol.
Alberta Conservation Association
Central Region Land Management Program"


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