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Dinner Auction Report


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Helen Keller once said that, “Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much”. That was certainly evident in the slide show of the Chapter's work that Ken presented at this year’s Dinner Auction on November 3rd and in the success, financial and otherwise, of the event.

Somewhere between 80 and 90 people showed up for dinner – shepherd’s pie, salad, buns, cold cuts and some of Jimmy D.’s fantastic barbecued pork, and to top it off a slice (or in some cases 3, Dave!) of a 40th anniversary cake to celebrate the length of time that there’s been a Chapter of Trout Unlimited Canada in Edmonton.  I shouldn’t mention names without their express written permission but Karen, Dan, and John put in many hours of hard work to cater a great spread. And the beer and wine weren’t bad either! I don’t know why Ken, our MC, selected my table last to get in the dinner line but there was still plenty to go around.

Nor can I mention the names of all those members, guests and businesses that contributed a wide array of goods and services to the auction – 124 items around the room, artfully displayed by Brian B, and another 10 in a bucket raffle. The rules in today’s technological world are a lot stricter. Michael’s guided trip, Fly Fishing the West Country, raised the most money for an individual item – and I should mention that he was the organizing force behind the whole event. The Men’s Mystery box went for $120 and the Ladies one for $52. Wonder why the difference!  Folks in attendance were generous in their bidding, in their purchase of 50/50 tickets and in ‘roll the dice’. Emmerson’s (or was that Josie’s) Fish Pull sold out and the winner of the rod, Dick S., kindly donated it back for the next event. In all we raised almost a thousand more than last year, and enough to not only cover our operating expenses for another year but to put some into our conservation/education fund.

Us old folk needed some younger help to work the front desk and ‘man’ the bar so our thanks go out to three delightful young ladies, Jennifer, Kimberley and Raeane.  And those of you who came early to set up or stayed behind afterwards to clean the kitchen, put away the tables and wash the floor – you know who you are – certainly saved the day for us oldies, and our damage deposit!

We’re looking at Sat. Nov 2 for next year’s dinner so mark it in your calendar! And if you have any suggestions, thoughts, or requests to make it even better please email any of the executive. Helen got it right, “Together we can do so much!”

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