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Jan 24 2018 Meeting - Permission To Post Date On Ao Forum


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My name is Randy. Last week I started a forum discussion on Alberta Outdoorsmen regarding the North Central Trout Recovery program.


I understand this is a contentious issue and have read the Trout Unlimited response to Alberta Environment.


I am asking for permission to post the meeting information for Jan 24, 2018 on to the AO forum discussion. I believe we are facing a critical time in our province as to how we govern our water bodies and believe as more people become aware of the issue at hand, our government will be forced to provide increased clarity to any proposed management tools they deploy.


I understand that the 24th meeting is most a social event, but also believe the more people that start to get involved, the better.


I am Yetiseeker on that forum as well. I have tried to attach the link to the forum discussion, but am not able to. The discussion topic can be found at: Outdoorsmenforum.ca - under the Fly-Fishing section, with the discussion topic entitled "North Central Trout rivers being closed". You do not need to be a member of this forum to be able to read the discussion topics.


And lastly, would I be allowed to attend the meeting without currently being a member? I am interested in becoming a member now with these proposed closures.







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Randy, you'd be welcome to call in at any of the meetings. If you'd like to post notice of any of the Northern Lights Fly Fishers meetings on AO please do so, The session on the 24th is, as you mentioned, a social, fly tying evening without any business on the agenda. We've had a couple of meetings on the Native Trout Recovery Plan and have been involved in providing feedback. In fact we've done a lot of the work on establishing the status and extent of the grayling population in the upper Pembina. Think many of us have read your and others comments on AO. Drop by for a cup of coffee (there might be some timbits too). 7:00pm Queen Mary Park Hall


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Thanks Peter,


I am planning to attend the meeting. I have reconsidered about posting the meeting information in the Alberta Outdoorsmen forum, as I'd like to discuss the concern I have with the FSI model in more detail. If too many people attend it may be hard to have productive conversation.


I've created a "mock-up" to explain how I think the FSI model works, which I will bring Wednesday. The disclaimer is that I am going on the limited information that was presented at the January 16th meeting. I am hoping to discuss and get some clarity. If the information presented on the 16th was truly how the modeling tool extrapolates the information specific to mortality rates, then the model is wrong. This error has the potential to change every scenario entered into the FSI model where fishing is allowed.


Randy Morgan

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