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Bamboo Rod Design

Don Andersen

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For a perhaps 25 years I've constructed a bamboo fly rod as a fund raiser for Trout Limited. For the past years the rod has been donated to the Edmonton Trout Unlimited Chapter. The funds are part of the Lloyd Shea project that is presently working on Arctic Grayling.

The rod for the 2018 fund raiser is already completed and delivered. It is a 7'9" 5 wt. rod featuring gold coloured fittings. Raffle tickets for the rod will be available soon.


So, here is your opportunity to design a rod you would like to win.


Some things to consider:

Length between 6>8'

Line weight between 2>6

Handle shape

Thread wraps

Hook keeper style


Some of the things that are "locked in" already include. Oven tempering temp & time, glues, varnish, ferrules and bamboo selection.


I'm going to split the bamboo out for the Rod soon.





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Tickets on this year's Don Andersen bamboo rod raffle are now available at club meetings: 1 for $5 or 5 for $20. The draw will be held at Trout Unlimited's 2018 Edmonton Water Conservation Dinner and Auction: Wednesday, April 25, 2018 Edmonton Marriott at River Cree Resort, 300 East Lapotac Blvd, Enoch, AB

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I've had a great time fishing my 7'9" 3 weight TU Taper the last 6 years. Having it in my hands as I walk to the next pool/ run makes me feel good all over and casting / catching fish with it is somehow just plain magical.


Now to your question....the rod I would love to win would be a 7'9" TU Taper in a 5 weight with a cigar handle, zebra insert reel seat with burgundy wrappings or burgundy wrappings with black tipping.


Thanks Don for all that you do for our club.




PS: Many a ticket will be purchased for this years 5 weight rod.

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Sorry for the late reply....been away for a few days.


From a selfish perspective I think my choice is best only because I am the proud owner of your TU Taper in a 7'9" 3 weight. I love how the rod feels in my hand and more importantly I love the flex of the rod which in my opinion is on the faster side as compared to other bamboo's. I would say that it is a typical slower action in the top 2/3 rds with a firmer butt and we all know how we love firmer butts.


Don, if truth be told, I'd be pleased with any rod you donate as long as I'm the winner.



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Thank you to all those that answered my query for what rod they would like for the 2019 raffle. There were those that wanted a 6>7' two weight rod and others who would like a 7/9" 5 wt. rod.


Well,- - - - - - - I pondered your responses for some time and finally concluded that the two weight rod was a specialized piece of equipment and would appeal to few. The 7'9" 5 wt. is a great suggestion however there is one of them heading into the 2018 raffle so I considered it best not to "crowd" the field.


During my pondering it occurred to me that most of the tickets would be purchased in the Edmonton area as that is where the raffle is held. Realizing that a longer and heavier line weight would be more useful for the fishing encountered in this area, I am going to build a 8'0" 6 wt. rod.


The taper for the 8'0" 6 weight rod will not be found on any taper archive. This taper I use for my personal rod used on the Crowsnest or Oldman Rivers when the flies are larger - stones and green drakes or the wind is up but not blowing strong enough to cause a beer break. Also, the rod performs well during the swimmer hatches.


The rod is being split out today.

PS: there are or will be those in Calgary wondering why the rod is offered to Edmonton and not in Calgary. With the "ME TOO" attitude that exists in Alberta, the question needs answered. Originally, the rod donation was part of the Central Alberta Chapters auctions. After the market was saturated, the rod appeared in the Calgary Dinner Auction for a number of years. For the past 5 or so years, the rod has made it's way to Edmonton.




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