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A Brief Update From Trout Unlimited Canada

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From CEO, Silvia D'Amelio:


This is dinner and field work planning season, so there is not a lot to report on. The exception to this is the major work that TUC and its partner Halton Watershed Stewardship Program did this past March on upper Bronte Creek in the Village of Carlisle as part of our Reconnect Canada Program. The project replaced three sets of old, fish blocking culverts with spans and restoring 200m of original stream channel on a tributary of Bronte Creek, Mounstberg Creek.


Our Calgary dinner took place on March 15. The event raised a respectable amount of funds for the organization, but far from its hay day. On a positive note, there was a definite sense of positivity at the event and we expect a slow steady climb in revenue for this event in the next few years. The Edmonton National dinner is currently scheduled for May 11thand a new Toronto event will be announced this spring for late fall 2017.


TUC will be asking all chapters to complete a chapter reporting form for projects and finances from 2016. It is our hope that this reporting form will help us better market the organization and the chapters. In addition, this will help us better understand all the hard work the chapters are doing and what TUC can do to support the chapters and expand our reach. Jack or Lesley will be in touch with you to discuss the reporting form and process. We would like to thank those chapters that helped in the development of the reporting form by piloting the initiative for us. Your input was extremely valuable.


Many of you may have seen TUC’s statement of support of the Alberta government on their ban of OHV (off highway vehicle) use in the new Castle Provincial Parks. For those of you who don’t know, the Castle is home to several streams listed in the first Federal critical habitat order for a fish species – to protect the critical habitat of the Westslope Cutthroat Trout. We are proud to be taking a stand against destructive recreation in this area and help protect a habitat and populations of Cutthroat Trout and Bull Trout as well as other animals like Grizzly Bears. We believe that OHV use in critical/sensitive habitats will continue to be an issue for the protection of native species and fisheries. As such, we are proposing a national policy on OHV use to help guide future advocacy.


Speaking of policy development, TUC staff have developed a long list of potential national environmental policies for development by TUC. We plan to develop and approve 2-3 policies per year and would like your help in prioritizing the list based on issues in your local waters. We will be sending out a survey later today, please take 2 minutes to provide your input.


Thank you again for your commitment to freshwater conservation and we’ll chat again soon.



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