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Muir on Sat Oct 02


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I heard there were some members going to Muir on Sat. Who's all going and what time? Think I'll get there for noon.

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Checking in at 6:00 AM here on the board.. yeah I need a life. ;)


I'm off to hunt Grouse up North with "Stinky Bufallo" to supply Scratch's growing tying needs. Perhaps Sunday if my wife lets me I'll do Muir.


Good Luck!

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It was nice to see so many NLFT members out on the water this morning. The fish out a muir are getting impressive. I'm gonna have to get back there this week again. Bring leach patterns and swimmers. If you have time, tie up some of docs new bloodworm pattern.

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Bloodworms, Chironomids and Backswimmers weren't the ticket today. Caught two on the backswimmer had some bumps on both the BW's and Chronies but the trout at Muir today were all over black beadhead woolies. Couldn't keep 'em off once I switched over after 3 hours of fishing the others. Even caught three from the dock after I beached my tube for the day :blink: .


P.S. I found out there is a 16 inch very fat Rainow living uner the Doc. I tossed my wooly in the lake to see how the action on it was and the Bow raced out from right under the dock and inhaled it. He hauled some line off my reel and put up a great fight (luckily he didn't get back under the dock but he tried). :)

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Sunday. MMmmMMmm last outing trout before Thanksgiving salmon..


Yay!  I'm there - midday to early evening.

After a nice 15 KM hike today in rolling uplands terrain.. my feet and legs are telling me NO to kicking the pontoon boat around the lake on Sunday. I suspect they'll be telling me so louder in the morning too.


Anyways, I got 7 squirell tails to split with you (yes, count 'em 7).. and some Ruffed grouse feathers for yah. I didn't stop to pick up the Badger we hit on the way back, nor collect any black bear hair for yah. Real glad I bought bear spray now... even though thankfully I didn't need to use it.


We saw nothing but bear baits layed out in the area, and lotsa bear bombs (hundreds) loaded with blueberries where we went today.


Oh yeah, I picked up SoftMaps Vol3.. we'll talk off list some more. Right now.. I hear a couch and my foot massager calling me.


Yes, we had a blast today too! Next weekend I should have some Mallard and CDC feathers. :D

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Hey Doc:

Did the red holographic wormie work on Saturday?

Not much else was.

I caught two on Dennis S's backswinner when the wind let up,

which was for all of about 15 minutes.

And George and Dave did not too bad on a Chromie late in the day.


My submission for the pattern name is The Count Docula :lol:

You know "I vant your blood."

Kinda seasonal too eh?

Dave R :devil:

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