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Been Awhile


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I haven't been on this site for awhile. I moved to

Vancouver island over a year ago. Needless to say

I've lost touch a little bit on what's going on in Alberta

Life has been good for me out here. It has it challenges

Trying to find new places to fish. For most people r friendly

But when it comes to steelhead it like they have taken a oath

To say nothing to a albertian. Needless to say I have put the

Miles on but it is starting to reward me

So if u guys r out this way drop me a line. Always open to fishing









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I get to fish open water all year

The bass flyfishing is a blast luv the fight

The pink salmon is the high number of fish I've caught fishing for salmon

The springs r crazy on a flyrod. Kinda messed up this year with most rivers closed

Going oh be heading north island for coho soon

Salmon fishing goes until November. Then after the steelhead. Which r hard to catch out here

Hopefully get some lake fishing to

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