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I understand that you are trying to avoid having a bloated set up as we are on a gratiously donated computer.

That said I was wondering if there was a way that you could have the system automatically arcive any links that the members leave as at least 80% of them are very valuable from a usable information side of things?



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Nothing should be getting dropped. You change change the forum settings to view all posts, or (default) last 30 days. It is at the bottom of the page once you enter one of the forums. You can also change it in your profile.


I don't think that it is practical to auto archive links. We can definatly keep a pinned listing of some of the great links the forum has produced, or add them to the main site's links pages.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Darrens point is a good one.


If you have a few that you've bookmarked - send them our way, either Pacres or I can add them to the links page on nlft.org


Very often - the links there are updated as a result of links posted into the forums.

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If there is a link that you think we should add to the links page, just post your suggestion on the forum here. Scratch and I are on alot, and the links will likely be added on the same day. (Yes we are quick :()



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