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And Another Gravel Pit Application Along Stauffer Creek

Don Andersen

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The Alberta Govt has nearly disappeared from the gravel pit scene leaving it to the Counties to deal with. The County of Clearwater has not approved some pits due to environmental concerns. From what I heard and not confirmed yet is the last pit development approval has been withdrawn. The County to its credit required a Environmental Impact Study.

Whether or not the application by Border Paving has the same requirement only time will tell.





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Trout Unlomited was represented at the meeting. Michael Dell from Edmonton, myself from Central Chapter and Leslie Peterson, TU's biologist from Calgary. As well, Jim Dow of Edmonton who is with the Edmonton Trout Club, two employes of the ACA, Marco Fantana and Kevin Gardiner + lots of local residents.

Border did a commendable job of detailing the project. Much better than many Govt or Oil Company presentations.


I'm sure that Mike will fill you guys in regarding his impressions.





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I think Border Paving did a good job of addressing our concerns about the effect on the creek.


The key element of their proposal is that this is a dry pit, not a wet pit like the previous one we had opposed (and has been withdrawn).


I have a report that I sent to Dennis, but I am unable to paste it into a reply, so if you want it I can e-mail it to you.



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  • 2 months later...



Received a letter from Clearwater County that the Border Paving gravel pit has been approved for a dry pit only with the access road to come off the west side of the property.

There are a number of conditions on the approval.

A full copy of the Notice of Decision is available by contacting me. I'll send it via jpgs when I got time. Fishing to be done.






email address is on web site bamboorods.ca

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