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Several of us are planning a Grayling outing for the weekend of Sept 20 & 21 if any one is interested please come out and join us. Meeting place is the Freeman River Camp site right by the Bridge crossing the Freeman on Highway 32. There are about eight sights some times they charge and sometime not. There may or maynot be firewood.

Bring your own food and drink.

it is only a 2 to 21/2hr drive. I know a couple of people are coming out for the day. This is a good chance to get together have a good time and maybe find a new fishing partner. If your just a beginer I'm sure someone would take you under there wing and help out with some instruction. There is tons of river and access for fishing. One need not be on the water much before 10 or 11 so stop in have a coffee before we head out.


Come out and join us then sit around the fire and shoot the Bull with a hot coffee ????? or your favourite drink.


Directions very easy

Take highway 43 through Whitecourt until you come to the turn off for Carson lake(highway 32 to Swanhills) Follow until you come to the Freeman Bridge. If you cross the bridge you went to far. The campsite is just before the bridge. I will try and be there on the Fri night of the 19th.



Hope to see you out


Tight Lines Always

Dennis S


...won't be making this clave...already have other commitments...one more spot to fish on Dismal before the hard water sets in...too many places to fish and not enough time...enjoy yourselves and have a good time...


The weekend is just about upon us. The weatherman is going to cooperate, should be a great time. I hope to see a bunch of you out. Steve thanks for the offer to partner up for the drive out.


If your a newbie not to worry I'm sure we can partner you up with someone that can show you the ropes.



I have all my Grayling flies ready to go. Nothing radical Adams, Grifith Knat, Royal Wulff. CFF(fly of the Month) Prince nymph. Pheasent tail, hares ear, Stimulator,


I will be leaving Fri night. Maybe get there early enough to do an hour or so before it gets to dark.


Tight Lines Always

Dennis S


Well the Grayling Clave came and went. Fish were caught. The turn out wasn't great, maybe next time. I had decided to leave early Sat morning so got to the camp ground at about 9am. Rick Lang was to meet me at around 11ish so I set about setting up camp. Rick arrived at the scheduled time but no one else showed up.


We headed out down stream and hit our normal spots. The river was very low and some of the normal holes were not even fishable. Rick was using his Tenkara rod and we wanted to get him to catch a fish. To date he still hadn't caught a anything. He stopped at the Tree hole first and I went up to the Ramdeen hole. I made a couple of cast and finally manage to pull a 5 or 6 inch Grayling out. I was using a Partridge & Green soft hackle. It wasn't 15 minutes and Rick showed up fish still. He started fishing across from me. He was nymphing Tenkara style. It wasn't long and he finally caught his first Tenkara caught fish.


Fishing ended up being work. Rick and I ended the day around 5ish we caught maybe 10 to 15 fish each The Tenkara caught more than the regular fly fishing methods this day.

It was a beautiful day but a bit windy. It was a great day to be on the stream.


Rick left and that just left Me, Myself & I to finish off the day.


Sunday I decided to make it down to where Judy Creek entered the Freeman. I was going to walk down then fish my way back. Legged it out at 9:30 and didn't make it until 11:30. Saw some promising spots if there was more water. Judy Creek was a disappointment. It was just a trickle but there is a substancal pool there. Today not much for fish. Managed couple of dinkers on a hopper dropper rig. (fat albert). Head back and hit several spots but no fish. Decided to head back to the Ramdeen hole as that seemed to be the only spot with any amt of fish to be caught.


Made back there at about 3:30 and fish there until 5iish and manage a few more in the 10inch range. I put on a baby fat albert #14 and caught the biggest Grayling of the weekend 12inches.


On that note headed back to camp cleaned up and left about 6pm. Again it was a beautiful day for hiking and fishing.

In all Me Myself & I had a great weekend fishing


Hope to see more out next yr.


Tight Lines |Aways

Dennis S.


Paul you know me no time to get the camera out. Actually I have have few will post after the big move. Tomorrow. Moving back into the Big City. This move means I'm one step closer to being a Wal Mart greeter.


Tight Lines Always

Dennis S

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