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Help With Tying Maligne Lake Flies


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I also posted this on Facebook:

"I want to tie some flies for my Maligne Lake trip at the beginning of August. It has been years, and thus far, my results have been a bit on the comical side.

If anyone has the time in the next 2 weeks to give a lesson and help me tie, I'd appreciate it. You wouldn't be teaching a rank beginner, but I have so much rust its not even funny (well...maybe a little).

Any experts tiers out there have a free weekday evening?"

Mike Smith



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Yes Terry, I included your modified version that always seemed pulled up the "big ones", while I was trolling my night crawler. :fish_boat: In fact all the good advice I know about fishing Maligne came from you, a few things from David as well, but then who taught him? Mike was very appreciative and may be trying a prince nymph in the Snaring as well...... How is Summit these days? Any 30" photos to share?

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