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To go along with one of my previous posts (where I just bought a new laptop), I am thinking of getting a wirless router for my home. Is this a good idea? I just learned that opening up a wireless connection gives the possibility of others hacking into your system if they find out you have a wirelss connection. I also heard that unless you know how to reconfigure it, dont bother with it. Well Id still like to get one as it makes things alot easier, but I dont know how to deal with all the extra stuff. Any insight into how to combat the hackers and where to purchase a decent but relatively cheap one.


Ok, so after reading your response rangerbob i understand most of it but some of it is still a little obscure. I went to futureshop and talked to one of the geeks there and he said the same thing if you take the time its safe. I understand what I need to about computers but some of this indepth stuff a little over my head. How easy is it to change all the encryptions and passwords and usernames? Also, I was looking for some way where I can leave my printer hooked up to my desktop but be able to print on it from my laptop after I set up this wireless stuff. Can you do that?


hey rangerbob, i emailed u dunno if u got it. i got my wireless network all setup and working, even followed all the directions on the links u gave me as well as the installer booklet and disk that came with the router. still unsure if it is setup rite. also now im having many problems setting up my network printer. and the "geniuses" at futureshop are pretty much worthless. some help from u or neone else would be greatly apreciated.


sorry to be such a pain (thats what I feel like for asking all these questions and u having to repeat things), but after two nights straight of the "wonderful world of computers" im about ready to go back to chiseling info. onto a sheet of rock. ill email on the address u have posted on the member bios, to let u know where I live. Let me know when ur coming id love to chat. Tight lines this weekend at the Grayling klave, even though mother nature has other purposes with this weekend (f***ing rain takes care of my flyfishing plans).


Hey RB. I finally got the printer to share after much cursing, yelling, and drinking. What an episode. Me and technology are somtimes like onions and chocolate syrup (thought that was different then the whole oil and water thing). I emailed you once again you must not have got it. I dunno if its my outlook express or what. I keep using your address posted on the bio page. Anyways my main problem with the printer was that I had my networks all backwords so I finally unistalled everything and restarted and it worked like a charm. One problem now though is that everytime I turn on my lap top it redownloads my printer and configures it. I dunno if this is because its picking up the signal from the network or what. The linksys router is working as well now. Check your mailbox to see if you got my email b/c I had my address in there for you to come check the security and to add it to your whole warpath thing. If not post back here and Ill try and email you again. Thanks for everything.


PS. How was wed. meeting I couldnt make it.

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