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I've been going through my gear and materials and have a lot of stuff, I'm never going to use. Would NLFT interested in fly rods, reels (mainly Orvis), capes (Metz and Whiting), assorted quills, biots, dubbing etc.?? If yes, I'll bring it into one of your meetings..



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Yes, by all means. The fly tying material can either be sued in our beginner program or be offered as auction items at the January Seminar.Fly rods and reels can similarly be used fro auction items at either our January seminar or next fall's fundraiser.

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Mike thank you very much for the donation greatly appreciated. We will put them to great use. As Dave said either towards the new Beginner program. Then into all the silent auctions we have through out the year. This will help in getting more books & videos for our liberary.


Tigth Lines Always

Dennis S

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