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Hello ,

OK , so is there anyone interested in getting together July 26,27,28 at Wolf Lake. I would have to book ASAP. Rolf said the best sites along the lake are mostly booked,so Paul and I checked out some other sites that would be out of the wind, but a short walk to the lake. I am thinking I will go ahead and book 2 sites that are close together ( 14,15 ) , they can accomidate a couple of trailers and a couple of tents. If you want to book your own site call Rolf at 780-621-6311.

Please let me know who is coming, if you want to Swap flys and we can plan a potluck.( bring tarps if you have )

Thanks and hear from you all soon.....


Sorry guys but starting my holidays then and heading to SE BC Fishing the Elk & some of it's Trib's.


Next one.


Good luck


Tight lines Always

Dennis S


Dennis just think of all the money you could save by just fishing for the Grayling, you don't have to spend $25.00+ a day to fish the Elk, etc. Just joking, have a blast down there , and take a few photos for show and tell, when you make it out for the Grayling Clave !!!!!


It seems no one is interested fishing Dismal creek July26-- 28 weekend, so, If I don't hear from anyone by this friday I will have to cancel one site.


Sorry Jim, you are the only one that has shown any interest for that weekend , Doug C from Calgary maybe up that weekend as well. We will have to make the best of it.

Thanks for the reply.


Bad news. I just found out the other fella will be away July 26 so I will have to work that day.

If you guys are not gona jump outa bed and leave on Sunday I will come out when I'm finished work Saturday..


I will be there on saturday. Ive only ever seen one small area of the dismal and its off of a lease road. Can someone point me in the right direction to have a good first experience with this beautiful river.


Sorry, the weather is not that good this weekend . We will plan for another weekend and post the details.

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