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Aug 11 is there a location chosen yet?

Bill Gouge

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Just wondered if a location for the August 11 fishing on the Sask river was finalized yet.


Bill Gouge

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Mr. G.

I won't be able to make the outing on the N Sask on Wed. as I have a soccer game at the same time. :(

If you guys decide to go fer a beer after, give me a call on my cell at 909-6917 (my game runs till after 8:30) and I'll try to join you. :cheers:

I got fish tales to tell ya about the trip to Haa Nee Naa you missed out on. :clap:

I still want to fish the river soon as It looked pretty good in color and volume as I drove over it today. So I may try to meet with Ranger Bob and Doc next Monday. :fishing:

A fishing Wed report on the firehole would be nice guys. :rolleyes:

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Perseid peak is supposed to be somewhere between 2 and 5 am local tonight depending on which source you listen to. :wacko:

Astronomical darkness runs about 11:00 pm to 2:30am.

So probably no point in heading out until after 10pm. :huh:

The moon comes up about 1 am.

That gives us about a 2hour window. :thumbup:

So I'm of two minds about going out for such a short time. :unsure:

If I do go, I'm only taking a lawn chair and hot chocolate. :beer:

As a result of being short of sleep from my fishing adventure

I won't stay out very late if I do go. :alien:

Final decision will be based on how much my butt be draggin from soccer. :P

Edited by dave robinson
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