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Will its that time of yr at last headed out on holidays :clap::drinked::clap: have a week out in the Blackstone area :thumbup: lots of water to get to :D not sure if I will make it out to all :( but will give it a try :P . Will take picture and bring to the sept 8th meeting along with pic from the Lake of the Falls trip. Will be back aug 16th.


Tight Lines always

Dennis S. :fishing:


  • 2 weeks later...

:fishing: Finally got back like to say it was a great fishing week nota :(:( It rained fri sat & sunday the rivers were at least 2 to 3ft high and chocalate brown :boat::boat: . Rivers didn't become fishable until Wed. Tied many flies, :thumbup: learned a new technique on a Parachute :kicks::kicks: that I will demo one day at the club. Tighed lots of Grifith Knats for the Little Smokey trip :clap::clap: have at least 2 dozen now :thumbup: . Also tied lots of Amys ants :devil::devil: .


Did manage to fish upper MaCloud :clap: caught a small rockie and small bull on a Amys ant :thumbup: . I also fished the blackstone at the blue bridge on the forestry trunk road for about an hr and again caught a 13inch rocky on a Amys ant. I then gave the upper chungo a shot for about a 1 & 1/2hr caught a 15inch Bull :thumbup: then caught a small brookie on the Amys ant. Where I was fishing on the chungo was a long distance between holes lots of wading & little fishing. Thats about the only fishing I got in That was from Thur on.


Also managed to browse 2 new books :thumbup: Tying Emergers By Jim Sholmyer, and a book on Tying small flies by Ed Engles both great books lots of interesting patterns.


Tight Lines Always

Dennis S :fishing::fishing:


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