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Crooked Creek And Shradder Creek


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I found Crooked Creek parallel to Township Road 354 between RR 40 and RR 50. Then it turns north and flows into the Raven just east of Range Road 40 and Twp Road 355a.

Schrader Creek crosses Twp 350 by RR 50, and flows into Red Deer River east of RR 41.


Thanks Ken, I appreciate the information.

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Crooked creek has brookies in the beaver dams. It's a tiny creek.

Schrader creek starts in a big spring just east of Highway #22 and flows towards the Red Deer. It goes underground about 3/4 mile from the river. It does contain some browns. The creek is nearly all on private land. It has two branches. I've only fished the north one.





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