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Red Deer River Pontoon Boat Float Trip?


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I've got a pontoon boat now....wow, did I ever have to spend a lot of marital brownie points on that one!...... but, a float trip down the Red Deer River is a bit of a problem on one's own. I can't use the truck to drop me off, and pick me up too...



Is anyone interested in getting a small group together for an all-day, or two-day (overnight camping) trip down the Red Deer River this summer? I think it would be a blast.


If we get a few together, I'll start building a plan....




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Good On you , you rat!!!!!!

How'd you do dat?????

I can swim,,,, for a short way...

I may be able to work something out, you have a date in mind?

I've seen people out in pool chairs , so it can't be all that bad, if I put some flippers on... :dar::fish_boat:




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I have the week of 22-29 July off...but both weekends have previous commitments.


Other than that, almost any weekend this summer would work. Dan, I wonder if there's a boat out there you could rent or borrow?


As for how I got the boat.....It's a secret recipe of puppy dog eyes, whining, flattery, surprise gifts, and extra household chores. I'm sure there's another secret ingredient too....but I wouldn't dare tell.



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Floating from the dam to range Road 20 is about a 5 hour float with a few stops. It is easy water with no serious rapid. Watch for the occasional sweeper. Go early in the morning or later in the evening. It is not like drifting the Bow where you can fish the banks during the day and do well. The RD float is spot or sight fishing and is best either under low light conditions like early morning or later in the evening or on over cast days for the most part. Primarily dry fly fishing as well. Check the Red Deer River hatch charts and go prepared.

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Quinten on the matter of going by yourself if nothing else you can take along a Bike where your getting out and ride it back to the vehicle. one Saloution for you. I heard that what some of the Kyakers do.


Gary sorry I owe you a PM I will get you today or tomorrow morning


Mind you a group float is much better if you run into problems.


Tight Lines Always

Dennis S.

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Thanks, Garhan. I'd be more apt to try early morning than late evening: if we get in any trouble at all, we'd be spilling into daylight, not darkness. QT

Q it is short enough of a float thatit can be done twice in a day. We used to go out around 5 am be done by noon. Then would go to Dickson pond and have a nap or fish the lake. Then go back around 5ish and float the evening hatch out again to RR20. After the first time you go, you will notice that this is extremely easy water to float and your confidence will be built up big time that you will do it over and over again.

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You go in at the damn, and get out at RR20?|


Could you go further?




Yes I do.

You can go down to the Innisfail bridge, but that is a long day. You would be better off going RR20 to Innisfail instead. Or Innisfail to Penhold bridge is another trip. The better fishing in my mind is the first section.

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Looking at my last post I'm thinkin it's not a fair question. Sorry Garhan.


You already said its an easy float and I'm thinking it would not be worse than the Bow under normal flow and I would let him float that.

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28th it is.


Anyone else interested, just let us know.




Very possible. What you thinking, might be able to bring another member for the day if no one minds. But would have to ask them first if they would be interested.

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The more the merrier I say. I am thinking on camping somewhere down there and either float the RD Saturday and Sunday or float the RD Saturday and fish a different stream Sunday.


Camping available near by would be Dickson Trout Pond which is the handiest..

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Sounds good. How does one get to this campground?


At the top of the hill before you drive down into the site you turn west to the town of Dickson. At the 4 way stop go left to the lake and into the campground. Go early as there are few overnite sites.

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