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Boys and Girls


A short while ago I posted a link to a few wading safety video's (which I can't seem to find) and I thought I would attach a link to further wading safety info and it can be found at: http://www.flyfisherman.com/2012/01/24/the-big-swim/


The full info is in the current edition of Fly Fisherman and it is well worth your time in giving it a read.


One of the most interesting items is the work the USGS has done in terms of coming up with a formula for when you should not wade. The formula is: multiply the depth of the water (in feet) times the number of feet a stick drifts in a second. If the product is greater than 8, the USGS warns you to stay the hell out of the water. I'm going to give this a test this spring.


As we get older and are no longer young and bullet proof we really should use more caution. While I do go for a dunk from time to time I've been lucky and not been swept downstream but I have seen a very good buddy of mine go for a downstream dunk and I can tell you from watching from an uphill distance that it is not a pretty site.


Speaking of going for a dunk from time to time.... I should add the following. A lot of us wear quick dry undershirts, shirts, pants, long johns etc but we fail to wear quick dry underwear which means that when we do go for a good dunk all of our stuff will dry quickly except for the underwear (which is usually made of cotton) and will, for the longest time, stay wet which means the little guys will stay cold and wet. I can tell you that the boys prefer to stay warm and dry over wet and cold.




That can be remedied by a trip to Mountain Equipment Coop, or Marks Work Wearhouse who sell pretty good quick dry underwear.




Dennis in commando mode...a scary thought indeed. I think I'll just stick with a pair or two of quick dry underwear instead of going commando. I can relate to your thought about a quick dry wallet...I learned a long time ago to "take wallet and place in a sealable sandwich bag" in order to keep all items safe and dry. Not worried so much about credit cards and stuff but I am concerned about my winning LottoMax ticket getting soaked to the point that the barcode no longer tells me that I'm a huge winner. With age comes wisdom.




Ya!!!! that commando thought is a scary one. :laugh: As for the wallet I can relate. I always make sure that it's up in a dry and safe place. Been there and done that.


Tight Lines Always

Dennis S :fishing::fish_jump:


I think merino wool is another good option. Certainly not quick dry, but it retains most of its insulating value even when soaked. And a lot more comfy. My boys deserve the best.


Right you are Junior...my boys also deserve the best. I'm cold pretty much 12 months of the year so the use of merino wool would be good for this guy. For early spring and fall time fishing I think a silk weight merino wool would quite good and as fall approches going to a heavier weight merino along with some 200 wieght fleece would be ideal.




Maybe an electic sock for the boys would work. Mind you hopefully it doesn't short out. :eek: That could be a shocking experince :censored::laugh:


Woolies would work. As you say you want something thats going to dry quick or if nothing else retain or gain heat even if wet.


Tight Lines Always

Dennis S :fishing::fish_jump:

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