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Just want to thank all the people that volunteered and help both at the Tying Booth and the Lloyd Shea both. A great job done by all. I was there Thur. & all day Sat and it sure was a busy time. lots of Kids and lots of people.

Thanks Also to SuperFly( Aaron & Rick) and the donation of materials for the tying. And Last but not least The Fishing Hole and another great show.


We filled up the Beginner Fly Fishing and have set another for the following week. Anyone Interested June 4 & 5 again $50 first day at the club and the following day out at Cardiff lunch on us.


Dave Towers did a great job sell the tickets for the Cane rod. There was well over 500 tickets sold by Sat. Didn't hear the finall count but my guess would be close 700 sold. Dave great job and thank you.


Have a great day people


Tight lines Always

Dennis S :fishing::fish_jump:


Ditto from me.

Big thank you to the die hards who stuck around to the bitter end to finish up Sunday and help clear things up. (You know who you are)

Kudos to Barry White for Yeoman service in selling Lloyd Shea tickets, and Dave Towers who taught me a thing or two about selling raffle tickets and seminar spots. Thanks also to Brian (Dave?) Donnelly for hauling all the stuff away in his truck. Even the one piece rods were intact the last I saw.

We'll be seeing a few folks who won raffle items picking them up on Wednesday night at the club (about 7pm). Let's make sure we invite them in for coffee and it would be nice if we had some tables with tyers set up for them to see.


Well , we had another fun time helping the young and young at heart to tye a wolley bugger at this years Fishing Hole and Campers Village Show. Those kids a hoot and some very good tyers, ( first timers ).

Thanks to Pete a new member for coming out, brushing up on the wolley bugger and helping the kids. here are a couple more pics.


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