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Thank you to all that particapated and help with our silent auction. I was down and out and couldn't make it Sat.


Now it's time to be looking forward to our Nov 20th & 21st seminar with A.K. Best.


The 20th is a all day seminar at our usuall spot at Main Campus Grant MaGewan here in Edmonton. I believe it's room 106-212 but will confirm. Anticapated time is 8:30am book signing and then 9am to start and finish 4 or 5 pm. Coffee & donuts supplied as usual. Caffateria will be open on the Sat.

I will try and get an idea what the program will intale. Sat. ticket $30. open to the public. Tickets right now availible through Murven our Treasuerer. Hopefully tickets will be in our local fishing stores shortly.

Should be a fantastic show AK is one of North America's top Fly tyers and Fishers. I don't think he has every been to Edmonton. This will give you the bragging rights with your friends that you met and talked to AK Best one of the best in our sport.


Sunday we have AK at the Our club house with a tie along only 10 people at $150 for the day all materials supplied by AK 6 tickets have been sold. AK almost garentees that you will be able to tie the flies demoed as good as him.


It should be an action packed weekend.

Then of course we will be raffling off several very good items at each of the shows.


Stay tuned for further updates.


Hope to see lots at this function.


Dennis S



I posted a thing about Timmmy.. I mean the Trout to the main page. Greg also put AK Best event on the main too.


Uhm.. for those interested.. thread Jihad.. I have some pics from the silent auction here.




PS - A.K. Best still has not friended me on the BookFace. I think Bob Clouser warned him about me already.



  • 2 weeks later...

Here's what AK is going to be doing from AK


Here's the list of flies I will be demonstrating on Saturday and will use as many as time allows for the Sunday class.


Quill body May fly duns and parachutes

Biot body May fly duns and parachutes

Quill body May fly spinner

October Caddis (two versions)

Winged beetles

Midge emergers

P. T. Nymph

Royal Wulff wings

St. Vrain Caddis

Black Stone Fly Nymph



The Power Point show is titled, "Tying and fishing with A. K."


Woo! Hoo!

Looks like very full and interesting day. Should be a hoot.

My tying fingers are getting twitchy in anticipation of the Sunday event too.


Does anyone know if he will have his books there to buy? As well is there anything else we should bring for the Saturday event?


What RB's gonna miss the best tyer through here since Dave Whitlock, so he can shoot Bambi?

And pass on the opportunity to learn from one of the all time greats.

Sheesh, that better be some good sausage in the making.



Deer hunting season.. although we bagged one.. sadly.. will not be able to attend as I will be out hunting.



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