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While this might seem trite it is heartfelt.

I would like to wish all Northern Lights and TUC members a Happy Christmas and a safe and enjoyable New Year.

I would also like to pass on my thanks to all those who provided volunteer effort to NLFTTUC over the last year.

This has been an epic year of change for us and I think we came through with flying colors. Our new incarnation as a chapter of Trout Unlimited Canada is a tremendous step forward and for that we owe a debt of gratitude to Michael Dell, Barry Wright, Dave Murray and Brian Bleackley who shepherded us through the process.

My thanks also go out to all those who helped out with the executive, our seminars, appearance at the trade shows and all the other myriad small things that make this club tick. It is through your efforts that we have a place to share our passion for the sport with each other and the public.

It has been a pleasure to be associated with such a fine group of dedicated and outgoing individuals.

All the best to you and yours over this season

Dave Robinson


This is my second favorite season of the year. Christmas was and is the most specia family time of the year. I count the members of this club as an extension of my family. They have been there when I needed the support most.

God bless you all and may this Christmas season be the best yet for you all and your loved ones.


Dave Murray


To All, a Merry Christamas and a Prospurous and Safe new year. May all get out fishing twice as much as last yr. :fish_jump::cheers:



My everyone have Tight Lines Always

DennisS :fishing::fish_jump:

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