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Tonight (May 6th) is your opportunity to be an official part of a new direction for Northern Lights.

A motion will be presented to adopt changes to the Club Charter for discussion and vote.

Passage of the motion will result in The Northern Light Fly Tyers and Fishers officially becoming the Edmonton Chapter of Trout Unlimited Canada, with an appropriate name change.

This would represent an organizaton coming full circle.

We started out as a group of TU Edmonton members who wanted to get together regularly to tie flies.

Over the years we have expanded our focus to include multiple aspects of fly fishing and as a result have embraced becoming involved in the protection and enhancement our cold water fisheries.

This change will not dim the spirit, programs and camaraderie of our group of fellow fly fishers. What it will do is make us part of a larger organization dedicated to preserving our sport.

I urge all members to come out and join in the discusssion and vote.

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