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I know that I've read somewhere that there's a relationship between elevation and ice-off. Something like, for every 100 meters of elevation gain, ice comes off one week later. Is anyone able to shed some light on this?




I know that I've read somewhere that there's a relationship between elevation and ice-off. Something like, for every 100 meters of elevation gain, ice comes off one week later. Is anyone able to shed some light on this?



Rick, it might put you to sleep, but here you go. There are many graphs... but I suggest.. buy a Jeep and drive uphill to check them out. Oh yah, also factor in Global Warming, and how much exhaust your Jeep puts into the atmosphere. As you didn't mention at precisely what latitude your honey hole is at (and longitude).. sorry cannot help you out otherwise.




Thanks for that, RB! This may sound weird, but I think that will be an interesting read.


I didn't get specific because I'm just looking at options at this point, so I'd have to list a bunch. Lake of the Falls, Coral, Barnaby and such are a little easier; I figure the opening date is a decent guide. Others like Grizzly, Allstones and Mystery Lake are open all year, so I've done more research on those.


I've found the best info from F&W or fisheries biologists.




I've found the best info from F&W or fisheries biologists.



Agreed. I have heard something similar about what you were looking for as the "rule of thumb" at elevation and ice-off from them back when I was a volunteer at Sam Livingston Fish Hatchery in Calgary. I know that the Hatchery peeps used a similar rule when going up to collect Cuttie eggs Job lake. Mind you, they also had a helicopter at their disposal and could just buzz up to take a look now and again. I still recall, some years that they still had to bring chainsaws to cut through the ice now and again though.




"The Alberta government has transplanted westslope cutthroat

trout into about 36 small, formerly fishless, high

mountain lakes in the North Saskatchewan, Red Deer, Bow,

and Oldman river basins. The ultimate source of nearly all of

these stocks was a single population in the Spray Lakes,

which no longer exists as a result of flooding from a hydroelectric

reservoir constructed in the early 1950s. This stock

was first introduced into Marvel Lake (Rawson 1947) and

thence into Job Lake (Carl and Stelfox 1989). The latter is

now the source of all westslope cutthroat trout used in

Alberta’s stocking programs."


Yeah, trying to get into an alpine lake early runs the risk of finding it frozen, even with the best info(short of a heli). I guess that's when you really put to the test the idea,"oh, it was just great to be out, I saw two eagles,etc..."



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