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Hello Adam:

The next meeting of NLFT&F is Wed. Jan. 7, 2009. We will have Phil Rowley as a guest presenter. Phil has written the book Fly Pattern for Stillwaters, numerous magazine articles and is currently the producer for The New Fly Fisher TV show. Phil's presentations are well presented, full of information and always with a touch of humour thrown in.

If you go Newsletter on the main page you can download the January program to see the balance of January programs.

How long have you fly fished and or fly tie?

The Club is well known as a teaching club. If you want to learn from the beginning or you are a very experienced "Fly Guy" you will find a tremendous amount of knowledge but most of all a great group of other Fly Fisherman.

I look forward to meeting you on Jan. 7 if you can make it.

Tight Lines :fish_jump:

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