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Northern Lights Fly Tyers and Fishers will once again participate in the Fisheries Round Table to discuss regulations and general policies on fishing in Alberta.

The following topics will be discussed:

1- Licensing - Non resident angling fees

Youth/Senior licensing

2-Fishing Participation Initiatives-Youth participation

Overall angler participation

3-Canada Fisheries & Oceans-Federal regulation responsibility- ie: Tar Sands Development & Consequences.

4- 2009 Angling Regulations & Special Walleye License.


For your information this group includes NLFT&F, Alberta Fish & Game, Trout Unlimited, FESA, Edmonton Trout, Edmonton Oldtimers, AHEA, ACA, First Nations, Metis, Commercial Fishers, Retailers and Media.

This meeting is with fisheries management and biologists and acts as a sounding board to relay individual concerns to the minister for Consideration & Planning.


This process DOES NOT HAPPEN OVERNIGHT. This groups direction is more long term in nature.


Please supply any questions or concerns you may have so that we may address them at this Semi Annual Meeting


Thanks Brian


Brian, I'm glad to see "non-resident angling fees" is on the agenda. It's time Alberta caught up with the rest of the world and started charging more for out-of-province and out-of-country anglers. The extra revenue collected could go to either fund more CO's or support the Streamwatch program. Similarly, I hope the discussion on Seniors licensing will result in change. Even though I'm 2 years away from freebee fishing, I think everyone should pay for the privilege of fishing in Alberta -- seniors included. There's my 2 cents worth. Terry


Brian, I'm glad to see "non-resident angling fees" is on the agenda. It's time Alberta caught up with the rest of the world and started charging more for out-of-province and out-of-country anglers. The extra revenue collected could go to either fund more CO's or support the Streamwatch program. Similarly, I hope the discussion on Seniors licensing will result in change. Even though I'm 2 years away from freebee fishing, I think everyone should pay for the privilege of fishing in Alberta -- seniors included. There's my 2 cents worth. Terry


Both of these topics have been on the radar for the past 2 or 3 years hopefully this year is it.






Uhm.. try this one on for size dude... account suspended... all further message require MODERATOR APPROVAL.


Have a nice day!



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