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July 9 Meeting


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This weeks meeting is free tye night plus we need a few people to move the library cabinets and contents from downstairs to the utility room upstairs. Please come out and lend a hand. I'm unable to do much as my knee is still in recovery stage so lets get a bunch of people out and get the job done quickly.





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Uhm, there are still meetings in July? I guess I missed a memo. Sorry... Gone Fishing! See you in September'ish.


But.. yah.. I just found the memo.


May 31st Intermediate Casting Clinic Rundle Park

June 14th River Days Rundle Park

July 2nd Local Fishing Outing Muir Lake

July 9th Free Tye Queen Mary Park

July 16th Local Fishing Outing N Saskatchewan River

July 23rd Free Tye Queen Mary Park

July 20th-22nd Fish Out with Calgary Hook & Hackle Carsland

July 30th Local Fishing Outing Star Lake

August 6th Free Tye Queen Mary Park

August 13th Local Fishing Outing N Saskatchewan River

August 13th-17th Alberta Klave and Fly Swap Carsland

August 20th Free Tye Queen Mary Park

August 27th Local Fishing Outing Muir Lake

September 3rd Meetings Resume Queen Mary Park

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Just a reminder


We need help at this weeks meeting to move the library upstairs...there are, as you all know, quite a supply of books and tapes etc, to move plus the cabinets.


If you can make it great...let's get it done.


Lets keep this post of mine front and centre so please don't re-post with news that your going fishing or have stuff to do.



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