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Drayton Valley Area

Dragon Troller

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Hi All,


I did some exploring yesterday to areas I have never been, West west of Drayton Valley to Lodgepole, crossed the Pembina twice (there is open water), Then returned via highway 39 crossing the North Saskatchewan, Buck lake creek and Modeste creek all are flowing, I also stopped at Sardine lake as well which is frozen still.


While crossing the North Sask and the 2 creeks I was struck by how fishy they looked from the bridges, the North Sask was still silty blue and the 2 creeks were clear. I can find no evidence of fish history? Both the creeks join north of the highway then dump into the North Sask so they should have something swimming in them? They are not in the regulations from what I can tell and are not in the Alberta Fishing Guide either.


These areas are really close so I would think they would receive considerable pressure but I don't even know if there are fish in them.


If anyone wants to help a rookie stream fisherman with any information about these areas it would be appreciated. Pembina should have Pike, Walleye, Rockies, but are there any trout? What species are in the North Sask by Drayton Valley? Do Modeste and Buck lake creeks contain any fish at all?


Please help, PM me if necessary




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I picked up a copy of Barry Mitchell's Alberta's Trout Highway yesterday, and while he might be talking more about stuff slightly further West, he has a whole section that talks about the North Sask drainage - with some reference to the lakes in the drainage as well. Might have some answers for you there - but I'm only a quarter of the way through the book so far ;^)


BTW - I think that this book is well worth the $35 - go get a copy - they had lots at the southside Fishin Hole yesterday. No club discount on books though.

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I have a book that has detailed descriptions on all the drainage systems of Alberta. It maybe has what you are looking for in it. It as well has good information for rookie stream fisherman. It’s called Trout Streams of Alberta by Jim McLennan. You can get a copy at the fishing hole or you can borrow it if you wish.



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I have a book that has detailed descriptions on all the drainage systems of Alberta. It maybe has what you are looking for in it. It as well has good information for rookie stream fisherman. It’s called Trout Streams of Alberta by Jim McLennan. You can get a copy at the fishing hole or you can borrow it if you wish.



Thanks Will I may take you up on that.
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Just so you know the Pembina was not frozen like that where I was yesterday. It was mostly open where it crosses hwy 621 north of Drayton Valley,


Too bad the weather sucks,


I may explore some more tomorrow.

That stretch of water is also not OPEN for fishing right now either. :( Also notice that ES3 (East Slopes) is about where the Pembina drainage system is. Yes, that's only 45 minutes away folks...to Grayling country. Worthy territory of exploring indeed... damn this permafrost anyways eh? June 16th seems forever away right now... and I *TRULY* know how Wally feels about living in 'Wally World' right about now.






A. For Streams listed and fish species listed under “ES3 Lake and Stream Listings” starting on this page.

You must follow the regulations stated with each listing.


B. For other ES3 Streams, and tributaries, not included under (A) and for fish species not mentioned at a listed stream.

June 16 to Aug. 31 – Trout and Arctic Grayling limit 2; Rainbow over 25 cm; Arctic Grayling over 35 cm; Mountain Whitefish limit 5 over 30 cm; (where present, Walleye limit 3 over 50 cm; Pike limit 3 over 63 cm; Perch limit 15; Lake Whitefish limit 10; Burbot limit 10); Bait Ban.

Sept. 1 to Oct. 31 – Trout, Arctic Grayling and Mountain Whitefish limit 0; (where present, Walleye limit 3 over 50 cm; Pike limit 3 over 63 cm; Perch limit 15; Lake Whitefish limit 10; Burbot limit 10); Bait Ban.

Nov. 1 to June 15 – CLOSED

Pembina River

from to headwaters downstream to Hwy 40 (24-46-19-W5) & tributaries

June 16 to Aug. 31 – Trout limit 2; Rainbow over 25 cm; Arctic Grayling limit 0; Mountain Whitefish limit 5 over 30 cm; Bait Ban.

Sept. 1 to Oct. 31 – Trout, Arctic Grayling and Mountain Whitefish limit 0; Bait Ban.

Nov. 1 to June 15 – CLOSED

from Hwy 40 downstream to Sec. Rd. 753 (near Lodgepole) and tributaries (excluding Dismal and Rat Creeks)

Apr. 1 to Oct. 31 – Trout limit 2; Rainbow over 30 cm; Arctic Grayling limit 0; Mountain Whitefish limit 5 over 30 cm; Walleye limit 3 over 50 cm; Pike limit 3 over 63 cm; Maggots are the only bait allowed and only after Aug. 15.

Nov. 1 to Mar. 31 – CLOSED

from Sec. Rd. 753 downstream to Hwy 43 (near Sangudo) – River only

June 1 to Oct. 31 – Arctic Grayling limit 0; Mountain Whitefish limit 5 over 30 cm; Walleye limit 3 over 50 cm; Pike limit 3 over 63 cm; Burbot limit 10; Goldeye limit 10; Bait allowed.

Nov. 1 to May 31 – CLOSED

downstream of Highway 43 (near Sangudo) – see Fish Management Zone 3, Watershed Unit NB2.


These areas are really close so I would think they would receive considerable pressure but I don't even know if there are fish in them.

PS - This book should also be considered 'Gospel'. 'The Fishes of Alberta' (Joseph S. Nelson and Martin J. Paetz) - worthy of being in your collection if not already. Required reading when I was a volunteer at the SLF hatchery in Calgary. I attended Paetz's 'memorial' at Molson House years back when he recently passed... the stories of some of his adventures were truly amazing in this territory. If you MUST buy two books this year, make it this one, and a copy of Barry Mitchell's 'Alberta’s Trout Highway: Fishing the Forestry Trunk Road'.


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PMS - I may be selling the 'Bob Sled' tomorrow.. and so looking for a Jeep next week. Then.. we (Scratch & I) have all summer to go exploring. =)


PPMS - If you don't own a copy of this book either yet... well then it sucks to be you.. and you should be buying a THIRD book this year. A floating we will go.. a floating we will go. :)


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Good thing I was only exploring! Pembina is open upstream of 753, but not downstream. Its too bad the North Sask didn't fluctuate so much that water was sure pretty at Drayton.


My boat will arrive on Monday, may float it at Bullshead at this rate ;-)

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I have a book that has detailed descriptions on all the drainage systems of Alberta. It maybe has what you are looking for in it. It as well has good information for rookie stream fisherman. It’s called Trout Streams of Alberta by Jim McLennan. You can get a copy at the fishing hole or you can borrow it if you wish.



Good thing I was only exploring! Thanks Will I may take you up on that.

I know.. I meant that I can hardly wait to go exploring up there myself. :)


The 'Magic Stonefly' on page 221 is also KILLER on Southern Alberta Streams.. like the Oldman R. I speak from experience on that one. :) But meh.. that was the 'South'.. I live in the 'North Country' now... we are all in the same boat up here. Head North my friends.. that is where the unexplored fishes be! But... then I am preaching to the choir here aren't I. :)

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