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Image Uploads - Facts And Figures


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Today I was forced to delete about a dozen images from the forum. Despite our efforts to permit users to manage their own posts, we have over 2000 images uploaded, and MANY of them are very large. The last 10 pictures I removed accounted for over 10% of our server allotment.


While I do not wish to reinstate maximum file sizes, we may have to, or remove image posting altogether if we cannot manage these ourselves.


We are trying to stick to a 100kb maximum file size.


If you wish to continue posting images - please review the image posting guide here to see how to reduce your image sizes.





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Image posting, I think, is a very important element of our site and as such I would like for this feature to stay. I therefore urge all members to learn how to reduce the image size. The process is simple indeed and I don't know why members still choose to post images without first reducing the size.


The programe that came with my Pentex will reduce the size with one simple keystroke and I suspect that the various camera programes that our members are using will do the same.


Guys, lets take care of this and post images according to Scratch's instructions...if you find it complicated I'm sure a club member will walk you through the process.


Thanks Scratch...we all appreciate your efforts.










Today I was forced to delete about a dozen images from the forum. Despite our efforts to permit users to manage their own posts, we have over 2000 images uploaded, and MANY of them are very large. The last 10 pictures I removed accounted for over 10% of our server allotment.


While I do not wish to reinstate maximum file sizes, we may have to, or remove image posting altogether if we cannot manage these ourselves.


We are trying to stick to a 100kb maximum file size.


If you wish to continue posting images - please review the image posting guide here to see how to reduce your image sizes.





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Yes guys pictures are very important to our site so as the others say please make sure picture are decrease in size before posting.


Scratch is there a way of possibly deleteing some of the pictures that are on older posts to create more space on the server.


Tight Lines Always

Dennis S :fishing::fish_jump:

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Hey guys, it's not really necessary to upload your photos to the NLFT server. Presumably you all have an ISP like Telus or Shaw. If so, you're paying for a block of space on their server where you can store your photos. Therefore, upload your photos to Telus, Shaw, or whomever. Then all you have to do is post a link to the photos -- takes up no space here, right Scratch? Problem solved!! :clap::clap: Terry

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That is true Terry - and there are scores of other options too - include sites like Flickr.com that you can host photos on.


We are more than happy to host the images, and have lots of space now (darren made a few changes) but we should still be mindful of the sizes as they all contribute to the overall cost of running the site.




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A reminder here on how to resize images.




But seeing as I just hooked up Barry White on ADSL today and built him a wireless network, he no longer has to wait on those large images with dial-up. Aye, there still are a few of those out there whom use the phone to get on the net... so let's be kind to them and resize. Nuff said.

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On a couple sites I work on, software on the server automagically resizes images, generates thumbnails, etc as they get uploaded. I'm able to specify dimensions, jpg compression etc, so that I don't have to think about it when images get uploaded. Does the IP.Board have that capability as well - or is there an add-on available?


I know this method certainly adds to CPU load - but I haven't found it to be an issue on my old server ;^)

The big advantage is that the impacts of a large image are only felt by the one doing the upload - the server looks after the rest so that you can create a user-friendly experience for those on dial-up.




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