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A Sense of Spirit


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I suppose I am one of the newest members next to Bianca of "KissMyFishy" fame and whose blog is delightful. It was nice to see the sweet series of pictures of her "doing the deed" she speaks of! It made her request of receiving a thousand photos of we fisher people doing the deed; legit also, which is important.


I also appreciated recieving so many responses to my original quiery where the sense of community is evident. As I am an enthusiastic green horn on here...protocol is something I am learning about. I did look through the members details to see who I was connecting with and vice versa and there are only two photos by members. Me and Dave and lots of psudonyms (sp)


There seem to be a lot of photos in posts documenting fine times so privacy is not always an issue. My question is: why do members not use the photo vehicle as a visual resource to show a moment of their passion on a creek whether it is you in a sinking bellyboat or a landed grayling at your feet. It does not have to be facially readable ( mine sure is not). If you have a look at the members pages all there is page after page of gey squares. Ouch!

A kissmyfishy photo would be pretty nifty for Bianca's cause in her new land and also show a sense of spirit in NLFTF.


( Idea for the future .......perhaps we could arrange to capture "THE KISS" at some future event )


Am I out of line here .....just fishing for feedback !


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I read your post, re-read it and am still not quite sure where you were or are headed with it. May be that its a bit late and I'm not all there so, for me, please give me a better understanding of what your asking.


I suspect that as you posted first thing in the morning and there are no additional posts after your initial post that there may be a number of our members in the same boat as I am.



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The avatars for members seem to change from time to time.

Some folks have had personal photos in the past,

and some have had photos of their fish catching escapades

although I've never seen an avatar of a fishkiss,

even though it does happen from time to time.


One of the reasons for no photos may be the limitation on size of the avatar.

It's hard to get a good photo that's that small.


Another possibility is that we seldom take photos of ourselves.

Usually it's a photo of another angler or a fish.

We don't have a problem posting photos of fish,

but not many of us want to be mistaken for someone else (like Vince?)


Then again, maybe we're just shy.

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I read your post, re-read it and am still not quite sure where you were or are headed with it. May be that its a bit late and I'm not all there so, for me, please give me a better understanding of what your asking.


I suspect that as you posted first thing in the morning and there are no additional posts after your initial post that there may be a number of our members in the same boat as I am.




Hi Vince and thank you for responding to my perhaps overly enthusiastic but apparently unclear post re:

Bianca's request in her "kissmyfishy" post and her blog http://www.kissmyfishy.blogspot.com/



I will try to be more clear here without overkill.

Since 13 yr old Bianca in France wants to acquire a 1000 photos of people kissing a fish for her reasons.....

and since she supplied one of herself doing it,....I thought it would be a neat photo event project for NLFTT members over the next year or so is all. There must be larger group fishes as well as the smaller ones like Lauren, you and others do where it could be a "happening". The photo could be sent to Bianca for her collection.


Also, since the members do not post a fishing picture along with their ID's in the grey photo space..... ( it is a huge number of grey squares with names only when you open it up....)it seemed like a neat theme with which to start filling up the squares with some color.


According to the definitions below I think there are many creative angles a person can use to take a photo if anonymity is more comfortable (ie a close up from the back at a slight angle or a distance shot will work too) where the "Kiss" is implied by position.

I never understood what an avatar really was until I looked it up today in response to Dave's reply. Here are some definitions for others like me who are not so savy.


1.Hindu Mythology. the descent of a deity to the earth in an incarnate form or some manifest shape; the incarnation of a god. 2.an embodiment or personification, as of a principle, attitude, or view of life. 3.Computers. a graphical image that represents a person, as on the Internet.

I do not at all understand size problems when downloading photos so I can offer nothing there Dave.


Ok enough of me .........I promise to promise to never to bring this idea up again but it would be neat to see some color in those grey areas and help Bianca out too!


Who go to go fishing yesterday in that wonderful heat? Not me ...Tear!


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