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I received an email, as noted below, from Clive and I ask all members to read the following:



FROM: CLIVE SCHAUPMEYER, Secretary, Oldman River, TU




I am writing on behalf of the Oldman TU "delayed harvest" committee. We would like your support!!


The Oldman Chapter of TU is trying to establish a "delayed harvest" fishery at Police Lake south of Cardston--similar to Muir, Bullshead and Beaver. The proposal will only be carried forward within SRD of there is enough support from Albertans. Without strong support the process for Police could very well be scrapped.


Most importantly, if this process fails, it may impede future efforts to establish more delayed harvest fisheries elsewhere in Alberta. Most of you may never fish Police as it is so far south, but support from across Alberta is important if we are to succeed with this proposal--and future proposals.


(There are some 200 put-and-take lakes and just four delayed harvest lakes in all of Alberta. We feel we'd like more choice.)


We would be most grateful it if you could give the attached poster the widest distribution ASAP and encourage your members to send a short email of support to:


Terry Clayton,

Area Fisheries Biologist

Sustainable Resource Development

E-mail: terry.clayton@gov.ab.ca




The letters merely have to say something like:

I support the proposal to change regulations at Police Outpost Lake that would close fishing in winter and limit daily harvest to one fish over 50 cm.





Thank you for your anticipated support.


Clive Schaupmeyer

Secretary, Oldman River TU



Guys, thanks for taking the time to read and follow through with your support. I'm sure that Clive will monitor this thread and he may have some time to respond to any questions or concerns you may have.




There is not much time left and the latest word is that this will likely fail if we do not get on this. If you want to see any more delayed harvest fisheries in Alberta its extremely important to get your email sent in immediately. Also spread the word to family and friends because their votes count too. We need as much support as we can get.


Here is the contact info again:


Terry Clayton,

Area Fisheries Biologist

Sustainable Resource Development

E-mail: terry.clayton@gov.ab.ca








I hope everyone has had the chance to send their feedback to Terry! Deadline is in three days and last word is that the project is likely to fail without additional support....



Please - if you haven't done so - please send your feedback to Terry.


Scratch, Rangerbob, Vince --- anybody who will be at this week's meeting, would you please bring this issue up and twist arms to get people to send something in on or before the Thursday deadline. I know a lot of club members don't hang out on the forum.


Man, what a bummer :(:( it would be to see this opportunity fail. Terry H


Sent my email on the weekend




For members not on the board or who do not have a computer I'm going to make up some letters for club members to sign off and I will fax them off the next day.


We need all the help we can get.



:):) Me Too!

At last nights meeting I collected another 15 letters of support which I faxed off first thing this morning.


Thank you to the members that emailed and faxed in their letters of support.




Good news :):) folks. The following was posted by Alan Caldwell this morning. Thanks again to everyone who voted -- it looks like the last minute push paid off in spades. Terry




I have received the following information from Terry Clayton's office.....This is PUBLIC information, available to anyone who requests it........


The final "Valid Response"* count was 1234

In favour 854 (69.2%)

Opposed 380 (30.8%)


*valid responses included only those from within the Province of Alberta and excluded some responses that were ambiguous in their intent..


Thanks to everyone who voted and did the legwork to get this to the next stage.....


Next Steps:


-- The proposal will go to the Area Roundtable discussions which are scheduled for April 4 in Lethbridge. These discussions will include 2 representatives from invited groups such as TU, AFGA, etc. and are not open to the public.

-- The proposal will be reviewed by Parks for their input as well as the fish managers in the region.

-- The proposal will go to the Provincial Roundtable discussion which are scheduled for April 28 in Red Deer. Again, these discussions are by invite to all organized stakeholders and are not open to the public.


If there is support from the Provincial Roundtable meetings, after all previous reviews, the proposal will go to the Minister for review and if successful the new reg's will be in place for April 2008.




This is far from done, as the political process starts now.


The local MLAs will be getting letters from their constituents about this change, so it would be helpful for them to get some letters in favour of the change.


The MLA for Cardston-Taber-Warner is Paul Hinman. His contact information is on the Alberta Gov't website at:

Contact Information for Mr. Paul Hinman His riding includes Police Outpost Lake.


The other local MLA is David Coutts, the former Minister of Sustainable Resources, and MLA for Livingston-Fort McLeod


Contact Information for Mr. David Coutts (PC)


Of course your letters should be copied to the Minister of Sustainable Resources, the Honourable Ted Morton:


Contact Information for Honourable Ted Morton (PC)



  • 9 months later...

Great news posted today by ADC on the FlyFishCalgary.ca forum. Copied from FFC and repeated below. Terry




While not quite official, I believe we can safely say that Police Outpost Lake will be governed by new delayed harvest regulations beginning April 1, 2008..........At last discussion with Fish and Wildlife the new regs were on the Minister's desk awaiting final approval before going to print..........I spoke with Barry Mitchell on another issue a few days ago and he had recent discussions with an official in Sustainable Resources in preparation for printing the 2008 Alberta Fishing Guide..........The official advised him to print the new regs in the Guide..........In summary the new regs are:


1) Open for fishing April 1 to October 31

2) Use of bait prohibited

3) Kill limit 1 fish per day over 50 cm.


There are currently 2 aerators operating in the lake........I have not heard reports of how the ice fishing has been to date.......The lake was stocked with 132,000 fish last spring so I'm hoping the ice fishermen are doing well so as to reduce the population which, combined with a reduced stocking in the spring of '08 and the new regs should produce a quality fishery in S.W. Alberta............


As an added bit of good news, when we attended the October Roundtable meetings SR officials indicated they have drafted a strategy for the development of further "quality fisheries" throughout the Province where, in consultation with anglers, the objective will be to have two such fisheries per Fisheries Management Zone and thus more angler choice..........This is a significant and positive change from the current procedures to establish these types of fisheries.......


Thanks to all that worked on this project, especially the folks at Fish and Wildlife and Sustainable Resources and certainly including those of you who supported these efforts last spring with your emails to F&W........Happy New Year!!




Guys & Gals, I've bumped this up to highlight the following part of ADC's post on the FlyFishCalgary forum.


..............SR officials indicated they have drafted a strategy for the development of further "quality fisheries" throughout the Province where, in consultation with anglers, the objective will be to have two such fisheries per Fisheries Management Zone and thus more angler choice..........This is a significant and positive change from the current procedures to establish these types of fisheries..............


I think this part of the story is even more significant than the actual approval of the Police Outpost proposal -- and that's great news too. At last SR has recognized that the non-whack-and-stackers deserve some attention. Terry



I agree that this represents a sea change in philosophy at SRD,

or at least a start in the right direction at the political level.

We can't let it rest there though.

We need to continue to lobby for a broader range of fishing experiences.

In my view the needs of the C&R and quality fishery portion of the population

is vastly under represented in how our fisheries are managed.

With a spring election likely, we should think about getting organized

to question and pressure our local candidates on the issue.

A few questions in a public election forum could substantially raise the profile.

It might also be a good idea for the Club to write a formal letter to the Minister

with thanks for understanding our needs and supporting the change.



I agree that this represents a sea change in philosophy at SRD,

or at least a start in the right direction at the political level.

We can't let it rest there though.

We need to continue to lobby for a broader range of fishing experiences.

In my view the needs of the C&R and quality fishery portion of the population

is vastly under represented in how our fisheries are managed.

With a spring election likely, we should think about getting organized

to question and pressure our local candidates on the issue.

A few questions in a public election forum could substantially raise the profile.

It might also be a good idea for the Club to write a formal letter to the Minister

with thanks for understanding our needs and supporting the change.

Dave I agree entirely. Terry

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