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Muir Lake


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  • 2 weeks later...

Nuhice.... I doubt that paint will come out with a bit of elbow grease eh Mikey D?




Anyways, I added a Muir Lake Countdown clock to the main NLFTF web page with my Uber Geekness. Or you can click here at any time to see the clock.




Today's date March 2, 2007, 10:17 pm

Countdown date May 1, 2007, 12:00 am

Countdown 59 days 0 hours 42 minutes left


Time to get tying!

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;) GREAT WORK YOUR GEEKYNESS!!!!! :ph34r:  :fishing:  :fish_jump:  :thumbup:  Cann't wait ,  FULL MOON on the 2nd... :fishing:  :fish_jump:

Posted Image


Let me check that out in Stellarium... for March 1st at Midnight. Indeed, you are right! Look at you go Astro Boy!


Posted Image


Posted Image


This is a free program for Linux, Windoze, and Mac. I HIGHLY recommend it... guess which platform I run it on these days. Hyup... Linux! I gave up on Windoze!




Oh yeah... I also added that to the electronic Calendar on-line here... not like it hasn't been circled on your own for awhile. ;)




A Tuesday eh? I better book that day off I guess.

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  • 1 month later...

It's not looking good for the Midnight Madness Muir Lake opener in three weeks...


Everyone pray for +20c




I was at beaumont this weekend - and saw this:


(at http://flickr.com/photos/scratch/451905146/ )


The guys said they drilled 18" where they are sitting.... Could be a late start this spring.


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Wow looks to have dropped a good deal. I'm sad to have to miss the tradition. Cold or not, you guys had better make it out there. That night in 2005 was darn cold. With the airation holes, the ice should leave a bit quicker.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Wow looks to have dropped a good deal. I'm sad to have to miss the tradition. Cold or not, you guys had better make it out there. That night in 2005 was darn cold. With the airation holes, the ice should leave a bit quicker.



Yeah, the sunken barrel at the end of the dock appears to be above water now. Oh well...




Muir Countdown


Muir Lake Opens:


In just 5 days, 7 hours 10 minutes.

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Oh my GOD... I almost let it slip by me!



Muir Countdown


Muir Lake Opens:


May 1, 2007


In just 0 days 13 hours 25 minutes.



Whew - glad I saw that... or I would have missed it....!


(PS - The water is open and turbid, but the fish are active and rising.... Bring your marabou leeches!)

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