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Just wonder if anyone has or knows where to find plans for fly tying desks. Not the desk top type actual full desks. Giving serious thought of building my own.


In the new place I have a ton of room and looking to put a really nice desk in.


Lance any help would be great I've ck a couple of places out on the net but can not find any plans on line.


Tight lines Always

Dennis S. :fishing::fish_jump:

Posted (edited)

Yeah, I was in Costco the other day and the rolltop desk actually looks pretty good.

The advangage of a rolltop is that you can quickly hide the mess when visitors arrive.

Edited by dave robinson

Dave, if you don't mind a little work, Home Depot had some secretary desks kits that you finish yourself, around $150-200 if prices are the same there as in NS. Jamie


Actually its Dennsi that is looking for a desk

I inherited my Dad's old rolltop.

I haven't got it all rigged up yet, but it's been moved to my house.

It's in the basement rec room and my current setup is in the TV room upstairs.

Now if i can con my wife into a nice little TV to go on top of it.....


There was a full TV Tyer set up, incl. the side filing cabinet on eBay from Texas 2 weeks ago. The whole set-up went for around $150!! Had to be picked up, though, as the sellers were transferred overseas. Nothing like THAT in NS.LOL Jamie

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