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Stream Fishin


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I am thinking about heading out some where (not sure where yet) this weekend to do some stream fishing. I'm open to go Saturday for the day or Saturday/Sunday. Anyone interested? Call my cell 780-719-2500 :cheers:

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We meet Wed night and decided to give Doug some company for the weekend. We haven't quite decided which stream or streams to fish yet but it appears that there will be a bunch of us going out.

SUNDAY ,We will meet at Timmy's , Spruce Grove and hopefully leave by 7:00 AM .

We are heading out to the Edson area, Bench creek , Trout creek , Roundcroft creek , Rodney creek , Ponoka creek , Obed creek, Nosehill creek , AND LOTSA UTHERS :clap::fishing::fish_jump: .

Let us know if you will be joining us so we can meet.



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I'll be there Sunday morning.


I'm going to head out to Star tomorrow morning for an early morning fish. Anyone interested..see you there and remember to tune into channel 3/0 if you've got an FRS radio.


It would be a good idea for our Sunday trip to bring radio's



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Love to be out with you guys, but gotta work......................... :angry: This will give me more time to take off later when ther real fishen starts. :D:clap::fishing::fish_jump: You guys have a great time and catch some fish for me .......... :ph34r::blink:

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See you on Star at about 6:30. I plan to be there early as well...got to catch me a bigga one.




Sorry to hear you won't be able to make it on Sunday...going to be a great day. See the rest of you on Sunday...remember...leave Tim's in Spruce Grove at about 7 am. A post from who is planning to come along would be helpfull.



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Sorry , I didn't make myself clear, but I will be there Sunday . I had to work Sat and wasn't able to join you Sat morning. A FISHEN I WILL GO, A FISHEN I WILL GO :D:clap::fishing::fish_jump: . SORRY THE REST OF YOU GUYS CAN'T MAKE IT, OH WELL.................... :(:clap::fishing::fish_jump:



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Our pre-trip coffee meeting in the Grove was good


Auto trip to and from the fishing spots was safe and sound


Chatting with the boys as we're hoofing it up and down the streams was great


Were the fish willing....a few were


Fishing with a great bunch of guys was terrific


Our post trip coffee meeting was good


Overall....a great day on the water with great bunch of guys....remember....the journey as important as the fishing.



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The fishing was better for some than for others.

Let's just say a certain reluctance to use a specific pattern or specific technique (right Vince?) kinda put a few of them behind the 8 ball.

A few also stayed close to the car (maybe to stay out of the hot sun?)

whereas those who chose to hoof it from pool to pool

and then bushwhack back through nose-high cow parsley, did a bit better.

I'm not sure the effort in the heat was entirely worth the reward though.

Finally saw Vince creek.

It needs more water... and fewer bushes.



This time no cows though!

Edited by dave robinson
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All in all the trip was good.


The company was enjoyable.


The weather was bright and sunny, I think we would have caught more fish if we had some cloud and little bit of rain.


We only had one small accident, and everyone caught some fish.


The "fly du jour" (for me anyways) was the No-Brainer aka the Tom Bomb:

Wally Lutz's No Brainer


We saw Vince Creek and we saw and christened Not Vince Creek.



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Guilty of not wanting to use a specific technique to catch fish. I know I should, I know I would catch more fish but darn it anyway I just have way too much fun with the dry fly.


Vince Creek does need more water and less bush...all of those streams and rivers in the area do need more water and perhaps it needs a bit less heavy bush but then it would be easy to fish and I can tell you it is not an easy fish. Not Vince Creek was named (thanks guys) and I think one day I may stop and drop my line in just to say I did.


Michael, thanks for posting the pattern. I tried looking it up today but could not find it. The fly will be tied and will find a home in one of my boxes.


I tested my FRS radio again a few minutes ago and it is working perfectly...I am impressed indeed. Dan sure got a laugh out of seeing how much water comes out of the unit when its held up-side down. It now has a zinger attached.


The only thing missing that day were the Cows....need more Cows.



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On the streams I fish that fly would be like the Queen Mary coming down...though I did see Dave R. catch a number of fish on a foam fly that size.


I may have to add a few to my colection of foamers...they sure are fun to watch and for my old man eyes the bigger the better.



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Vince just because the stream is small doesn't mean the insect life is any smaller. A grasshopper or stonefly is a size 6 in the McLeod as will as in Vince creek. I've seen some pretty small fish take these big babies. Chrynoble ant lives


Tight Lines Always

Dennis S :fishing::fish_jump:

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Got to love hopper season eh...making plans to hit the Klave...sure hope it works for me cause I just HAVE to fish the Crow.


I hear that there's going to be a big sign on the highway leading to the Crow that says " No Five-Alive Allowed" anywhere near the Crow.



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Sorry guys:

I'm in Calgary and this is the first chance I've had to thank all of you. Your a great group and as usual, the trip was a lot of fun. It was good to watch and learn from such seasoned pro's. I hope we can do this again before the water turns hard. Have a wonderful summer and keep in touch. :drinked:



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