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Little Smokey


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I have never been :unsure: , but very seriously considering heading up to Little Smokey next weekend...........I wouldn't want anyone to give up their honey holes <_< but can anyone offer up some general areas or waypoints to start from. I was in the Fox Creek area on Friday but didn't have a chance to scout around. :(


Any guidance in the planning of my adventure would be much appreciated :cheers:



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TT, I think it's been discussed on the board here someplace in the past (try a search on select keywords including maps), myself I've been thinking a trip out to the "Rathole" and "Naked Blonde Pool" is in due order again soon. No big secret.. out to Fox Creek... south on Bigstone Road... till you find the river. There a couple of bridges to stop and try yer luck.


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Edited by RangerBob
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JUst a heads up.... A friend of mine was up in the area last week for work and says the road to the little smokey is presently closed, He4 says he thinks they are working on the road or something. Not sure if it still is but, again just a heads up ....

Maybe call Fox creek area F&W to confirm, may save you a long drive for nothing....



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I was there for work Friday afternoon, and if bigstone is the road that passes the decomission mine or plant that is just West of Fox Creek, than I was there......There was no road closure in the area that I ran into, however one of the bridges has a hole in it and is slated for repair in the next couple of weeks!!(states an oil field consultant)



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Keep in mind too - during runoff and rain the Bigstone is like the BigQuickSand... with 10' deep potholes.


Closed is a regular occurrance.

We might have to sneak a Grayling day trip out to the "Rathole" this weekend then. Seeing as I'm on vacation in 51.5 hours... but who's counting. Edited by RangerBob
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Hey, if the rathole is the big shiny steel one

with the 3 ft downstream drop that I'm thinking of,

Vince might be tempted to go and I might too, if it's on Sunday.

Nope, not the LSC. The "Rathole" is another waterbody.. and we'll be hitting that one Sunday. There are only bears in that area. :D Edited by RangerBob
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Trip results,


Well after a full day of fishing the Little Smoky, my lack of stream fishing experience stands out loud..... :( .......A great time was had by all and I look forward to my next adventure where I can get a little further up and down stream and explore for those hard to find honey holes.


I guess practise makes perfect, and the only way to better my one grayling (12") :clap: this trip is to make more trips, more often! :D


And just to clarifiy the road situation: The second bridge (35KM) is closed to traffic exceeding one ton....Which is due to a hole in the bridge........



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