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Fly Fish Alberta Forum ( From Fly Fish Alberta )


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Date: Fri, 12 May 2006 09:26:29 -0600

From: Fly Fish Alberta <info@flyfishalberta.com>

Subject: Fly Fish Alberta Forum ( From Fly Fish Alberta )

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We had a vulnerability in the software used at the Fly Fish Alberta forum and there was a temporary virus/adware code placed by a third party on Sunday. It took until Wednesday morning to find a fix for the problem. I has been dealt with and the issue is no longer at our forum.


We waited 2 days to ensure that the issue has indeed been dealt with before making this announcement.


Please ensure that you simply run a virus scan as well as your Ad Aware or other spy ware program.

Also, to ensure you are seeing the forum with no issues, simply open Internet Explorer, click on "Tools", Internet Options, then delete cookies, delete files, and clear history. You will then be assured to not be looking at the older software version at our forum.


We have been assured that the issue was non threatening to users if the above is done.

Again, we apologize for the temporary setback and look forward to our summer of sharing at our forum:





The Fly Fish Alberta team.

Edited by RangerBob
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It sure would have been nice to have known about this problem...3 days is a long time to wait before letting users know of a problem and a rather serious one at that.


Now I know why my Norton kicked in and said I was under a major attack. Again, three days is a long time to wait before letting the hundreds of people know that a problem existed.


I'm not much of a computer guy but I've heard of other sites suspending their site rather than letting peoples computer's get infected.


I'm not a happy guy and from the people I've heard from there are a lot of unhappy campers out there.


Just my two bits worth.



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It happens - and honestly - sometimes it's hard to prevent.


We've been jumping here lately becuase of a number of 'robot' spam posting tools. We're regularly having to do cleanups of this forum to keep everyone safe.


We may (the web guys) have to look at a new forum tool soon as a result, or move this to another location...


Fingers crossed...

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