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Saturday, March 11th - A Day With Jack Dennis.


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This is a one-time event, limited to 20 participants.


You get to spend a whole day in an intimate setting with world famous angler, guide and author Jack Dennis. The day will include various presentations, fly tying and (knowing Jack) lots of tall tales and laughter. If you think $75 is expensive, consider that the Calgary show charged $45 for 2-hours. Tickets will go on sale on a “first come first served” basis at the NLFT&F meeting on March 1st.




Note: Still awaiting full program details from Woolly on this. And, we'll see if Jack might be willing to take more then 20 if there is a rush on tickets (as asked at the last meeting).


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Is this limited to members of NLFT&F?


OUCH! "Bare hook and maggot"?!   :blink:  You guys are cruel!




Heh heh.. it's the price you pay... being a newbie.


Speaking of 'pay'... we have a MAJOR announcement to make about this event tomorrow morning. Yes.. non-members and new members are welcome.


More then welcome! Check back in the morning... here... first thing! ;);)

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Speaking of 'pay'... we have a MAJOR announcement to make about this event tomorrow morning. Yes.. non-members and new members are welcome.


More then welcome! Check back in the morning... here... first thing! ;);)

Yeah - - we're here... where are you Mr.. "First thing"




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Hi Ranger Bob! Nice tag line! B)


Is this limited to members of NLFT&F?






G&L FlyCraft

Art. Science. Sport. Welcome to the convergence.



Not limited to members - however, you need to be at the CLUB to get tickets - first come first served, single tickets only....


So unless you are able to attent, or you have someone who can buy for you... could be tricky to get a ticket...

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Yeah - - we're here... where are you Mr.. "First thing"


Yeah... I had to do a work thang... just fer a sec... to code some VBScript code to save the companies... a**-ets.


Alrighty... K... here is this mornings news... deee...deee ..dee. dee.. (my feeble attempt at a teletype noise).


## NEWS ##


1) Jack will take on up to 30 people, and this is max occupancy of the venue we have booked at NAIT. That's it... 30.


2) Members will only be asked to pay $50. You save $25 now!


3) Non-Members -- $75. (Of course membership in NLFTF is only $20 ... you do the math.)


4) Jack is bringing some goodies for the slient auction, and there will be a raffle at the draw. Jack is also bringing up some DVDs and books for sale.. so bring some cash.. that you saved from your ticket pruchase.


5) Jack will be doing all the programs he presented in Calgary plus tying some flies for us.


6) Tickets go on sale at the meeting tonight! They will not be available at the door.. unless any are left... I'm expecting there won't be any left after tonights meeting.. if there are... I will post again tonight.


7) Oh yeah.. before I forget.. for those who got a bad DVD "Fly Tying Vol 3." in Calgary -- bring it to the show and Jack will replace it. Arrangements have been made.


Should be a great time! Scratch, thanks for posting the news on the main page!

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There are still tickets available. Will be offered again at next Wednesdays meeting... you won't want to miss this one. Anyone offlist, or non member wanting to get in on this send an email to myself of Brian. The emails are listed on the main website page... or uhm.. click on E-MAIL below. :)


Oh yeah, also forgot to mention we'll all be going out for dinner with Jack afterwards.. so another three hours of education / entertainment there to be had. We'll need the numbers whom plan to attend next week to make restaurant reservations (not yet decided which place yet).


If you can't make the day program for whatever reason, you are most welcome to hookup in the evening.

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Who is selling the tickets? and can somebody hold one for me? I should hopefully be working normal hours again very soon so I should be able to make next weeks meeting. I've only been able to make it out for two meetings this year :angry:, but I'm hoping that will change very soon. Thanks.

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The tickets are being sold at the meeting by Brian Bleackley.


As for a 'hold' it's a first come first served deal - 1 ticket per member only - due to the limited seating... I'm sure there will be some available next meeting - and may even be a few left at the door - but I doubt it...

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MARCH 11th, 9 am. to 5 pm. at NAIT , ROOM #147 , MAIN CAMPUS . There is parking east of NAIT. tickets are $50.00 for members and $75.00 nonmembers of NORTHERN LIGHTS FLYTYERS AND FISHERS

I will be at the door at 8:30 am. with the remaining tickets.

Signs will be posted to show the way to the room.




Moderator Note: I rolled this seperate post into the main thread here.

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Only a few days left before we get treated to another great day with a master tyer, talker, teacher, etc.


What a great club we have...being able to offer such quality programs to our members and would be members. I've spoken to a few fellow fly fishers that live in B.C. who belong to local clubs and they just cannot believe the quality of speakers that we get for our club.


As usual, there is always a ton of work to be done in advance of, during and after the event and my thanks to all that have taken time out of their busy days to make this happen.



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I also mentioned to Lorne at TFC that there would be some tickets left for sale at the door. Might want to spread the word around on this.


I'm sure we're all looking forward to this.. gonna be a great day. Watch his stuff like a hawk now ya hear! :ph34r:

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What a day we had with Jack. A first class presenter and tyer. Learned a whole bunch of new things, saw a bunch of new flies tied with some new materials and some new ways of tying.


How about the stories....how many does this man have...he's been around so long and travelled to so many interesting places and has met the who's who of flyfishing that I bet the stories are endless.


I truly enjoyed the day and was well worth the dough and Frank you are one lucky guy!!!!!!!


I can't wait to try out some of the stream fishing methods he spoke about...come on springtime.



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I'll second that Vince. I got the entire history of Umpqua and the Fly Tying scence from Jack around the dinner table in a 30 minute education. More neat stuff here on that BTW.




Jack has seen it all. Can't wait to hook up with him in his shop this summer.


PS - I have five more Jack Dennis DVDs to place in the club library on Wednesday night. I think we almost have his entire collection now. The tying flies with John Barr is awesome -- (inventory of the Copper John) -- if you overlook the technical difficulties in the edits. Another DVD has Randall Kaufmann the originator of the Stimulatory tying up his pattern. Great video moments captured by Jack for the ages.

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