TimD Posted October 18, 2005 Posted October 18, 2005 Yep, its that time again. We will be putting in the floats, cords and anchors for the two aerators this Saturday at 11 am. It should take about an hour then it will be time to go fishing. If you would liket to help (especially if you have a boat or are an electrician) please send me an email to confirm. The plan is to be able to have everything set up so we just have to pop the motors in and turn them on if the weather takes a turn for the cold. Please avoid fishing within 40 m of the aerator floats. Each float has four anchor ropes. If you cast into a rope and break off, the line can get caught in the motor and damage it (the usual repair is about $300) Thanks for your support. Tim Quote
TimD Posted October 24, 2005 Author Posted October 24, 2005 Everything went well on Saturday - even the fishing after. We were out on Saturday to put the aerator floats and anchors in and noticed that the parking lot had been reshaped and expanded. The last I heard was that they were going to start on the 31st but I guess they found a little extra time. Regards, tim Quote
Scratch Posted October 25, 2005 Posted October 25, 2005 On sunday the lot was a total mess. The outhouses were on a truck, being removed - holes filled in etc. Looks like they're doing the lot before the lake closes - which made parking a nightmare sunday. Unfortunately - someone (I know who you are....) parked in the lane to the boat launch and made life a little unpleasant for a lot of people.... (Cordoba boy!) Once again - no parking signs were happily disregarded, people were damn near tied up to the aerator platforms to fish - and the bait chuckers were again in evidence.... Is it just me who get's frustrated out there? Quote
RangerBob Posted October 25, 2005 Posted October 25, 2005 Is it just me who get's frustrated out there?No.. I stopped going out there a long time ago. Lessee... parking lot reno's and a long overdue pooper upgrade in the future. Hmmm... I predict $10 parking lot fees and a gate with a para-military lady named Bernice by next year.... just like at other County of Parkland Potholes. Yeah... not like they couldn't have waited for a week after the close of season. No matter, it's not busy at midnight opening night. See you there! Cordoba boy.. would that be the same as a Knob-mobile? Quote
Dragon Troller Posted October 25, 2005 Posted October 25, 2005 Well each to their own but I would welcome the outhouse upgrade and lot expansion. There are some nice trout in that pothole. I have only been there 3 times but have never seen a poacher. I am usually greeted by friendly anglers and such. While it is a little busy it is still a nice place and super close. IMO of course Quote
Doug C Posted October 25, 2005 Posted October 25, 2005 It will be nice to have it upgraded but I agree with RangerBob. It won't be long before it's pay to play. Quote
TimD Posted October 25, 2005 Author Posted October 25, 2005 The plan has always been to have a donation box there. It should be installed by next May 1 and we will welcome donations on a volunteer basis. We were just waiting for the parking lot to take shape before installing it. I for one am glad they finally got the parking lot started. There have been people parking at the lake and in the ditch and anywhere else they can for two years now. So what if a couple of people were inconvenienced with 8 days of fishing left. This is a long-term project that is still a work in progress. As always thank you for your patience and support, would you like a cheese kiosk installed there as well? Tim Quote
rena Posted October 26, 2005 Posted October 26, 2005 YAHHHHOOOO! An Outhouse upgrade is exactly the thing needed most out there besides parking! That was one of the reasons why I didn't go out there much cause there isn't a lot of heavy trees to squat behind either! That is why the idea of the platforms for the belly boat users that was brought up at the last meeting week was an intriguing one for me! (with walls of course)! :lol: Quote
RangerBob Posted October 26, 2005 Posted October 26, 2005 The plan has always been to have a donation box there. It should be installed by next May 1 and we will welcome donations on a volunteer basis.Perhaps leave an address on it indicating where to "snail mail" a payment to FESA as well? I somehow don't think that box is long for this world given the pyros and vandals that seem to roam out there. I'm certain you've thought of that already, will be made of steel, concrete sunk about 20 feet, on a post of metal that can't be burnt.. cut... yadda yadda. As always thank you for your patience and support, would you like a cheese kiosk installed there as well?So, how's the casting dock project coming along since you seem to think we're "whining?" Oh, and.. the other lakes status (one to be done East of the city)? Quote
Dragon Troller Posted October 26, 2005 Posted October 26, 2005 Perhaps leave an address on it indicating where to "snail mail" a payment to FESA as well? will be made of steel, concrete sunk about 20 feet, on a post of metal that can't be burnt.. cut... yadda yadda. So, how's the casting dock project coming along since you seem to think we're "whining?" Oh, and.. the other lakes status (one to be done East of the city)? hmm Looks to me like Scratch was just voicing his frustration. Nothing wrong with that. Looks to me like Bob does not care for the place, Nothing wrong with that. Also looks to me like Bob may have an axe to grind with someone, Mind you my observations may be misguided. I personally think Tim and others have done a fine job with Muir, I look forward to another such lake east of the city. It would be nice to know what lake is being considered. Quote
dave robinson Posted October 26, 2005 Posted October 26, 2005 A donation box might work, but only if made bullet and axe poof and the average pickup with a hoist can't back up and yarf the entire thing out. Upgraded pooper sounds great. I just recently saw an estimate of the ones AB parks uses & they run $15K. As far as when the County does work, well, if we're getting it for free I guess we live with their schedule and say thank-you to boot. It's been a banner construction year, so I'm surprised they've even got around to it this year. I'm not convinced a casting dock is a great idear. You'd need to build it so backcast space didn't interfere with boat launch, which would mean it would have to go off to the north and that might interfere with the shore area that's now used for fishing. I'd be afraid it would soon look like the bucket brigade had invaded from Hasse, with all those hardware types formerly using the shore staking out territory on the dock that fly casters wouldn't then be able to use. Might also make it more attractive to poachers, especially late at night, as they could reach further out into the lake than from shore. It would only work I think if it was kept very small. And RB, if you ain't fished there in a long while, well, that's your loss. I enjoyed every outing there this year and applaud Tim et al for their efforts to provide us with this fine EXTRA fishery. Quote
RangerBob Posted October 26, 2005 Posted October 26, 2005 And RB, if you ain't fished there in a long while, well, that's your loss. Don't feel I missed a thing actually. Good points on the Doc and such too. Quote
TimD Posted October 26, 2005 Author Posted October 26, 2005 Brother Bob, I would not call you anything, it is up to you to decide which shoes fit best and wear what is best for you. If you would like an update on the east lake project, please talk to Brian Bleackley, he is in charge of it and will be glad to fill you in. Hopefully we will be putting trout in a new lake this spring. The FESA committee has also talked about a second lake west of Edmonton. There may be an announcement soon. The casting platform is being funded by the county, and should go in next spring. Don't worry about the details, there are lots of volunteers that have taken a leadership role on these things. All the issuses with the casting platform and donation box have been worked out as best we can. I don't know if I have mentioned this before but FESA is 100% volunteer driven and supported by the 4 originating clubs and whoever else wants to donate to the cause. The people who have developed Muir Lake and continue to build it into an even greater fishery deserve a big round of applause - but more importantly - it is important for people to step up and help with future lakes. It is one thing to say "How about this. . . " or "When are you going to do that . . . " but it is important to step up and say "I will make some time for a project. What do you need me to do?" We have lots of empty shoes for volunteers. Regards, Tim Quote
Doug C Posted October 27, 2005 Posted October 27, 2005 I will gladly put money into a FESA donation box or pay a parking fee if some or all of the money goes towards FESA. In fact I think it would be a GREAT idea to charge a couple bucks for parking (providing that some/all of the money goes to FESA or specifically to the Muir Lake Project) rather than relying on a donation box. Now that the project is up and running, money from parking could easily pay for the upkeep of the Muir lake project and FESA could focus their attention on other projects. My only concern is that the county will start charging a parking fee and then keep all the money. The thought of it just rubs me the wrong way because of all the work FESA has done out there. I don't think the county should be profiting off of all the people who have volunteered their own time and money to get the project going and keep it running. I may be wrong (Tim or someone else please correct me if you know different) but I honestly can't see the parking at Muir staying free for much longer, it's just too busy and surely the county can see the potential dollar signs. I know I myself have donated and bought items at all the fundraising events, picked up garbage around the site, and helped with the areators. Hundreds of others have done the same and much,,much more than I have. It's just frustrating to think that the county would profit off of all the time/money that so many have put into the project and that fundraisers/donations would still be required every year to keep it afloat. Quote
TimD Posted October 27, 2005 Author Posted October 27, 2005 Doug, The idea of a gate was floated by other parties (not the county) and shot down by FESA. We went for a donation box as a compromise. The idea is for a public access fishery but there are still costs associated with running the lights, aerators and lifecycling the site features and we hope to recoup these costs (about $3000 per year) through the donation box, a web site and other fundraising events. If we keep in the black there will not be a 'pay to enter' gate - its that simple. We (FESA) are OK for money right now, thanks to a donation from the Northern Lights via the Chan/Rowley show and the auction/social that we had last spring. We don't want to go out for more capital money (i.e. a new lake or two) until we have chosen a candidate and come up with a budget. We are also trying to get FESA registered as a charitable organization under federal legislation so donations will be tax deductible. It will all come, but not as quick as anyone would like. As far as I know the county loves Muir Lake as it is. We have taken an under used piece of land that was plagued by vandalism and turned it into a destination spot and the county really hasn't had to do a lot of work to get there. Regards, Tim Quote
Doug C Posted October 28, 2005 Posted October 28, 2005 That's good to hear. I was worried the potential dollars that could be made there would be too much for the county to resist. I guess we've got nothing to worry about then. Quote
Paulf Posted November 26, 2005 Posted November 26, 2005 Took a spin out to Muir this morning. Both aerators are working fine. Majority of lake is iced over. Big improvement on the parking lot. Nice to see they added more gravel on the road to the boat launch and at the boat lauch itself. Outhouses are still missing in action, probably will not see them until spring. So, keep an out and will check out the lake next week. Quote
TimD Posted November 26, 2005 Author Posted November 26, 2005 Thanks Paul, As it turns out, the old biffies were pits and the county has a mandate to upgrade the pit toilets to ones that contain the mess. It would be nice to have them in over the winter but prior to May 1 would beat the crowds. Although I can say that there are a number of non-anglers that use the park all year round and if would be nice for them to have something over the winter. It is good to see the parking lot take shape but there is still a bit of work for the county to do. Namely signs, vehicle barriers and the casting platform; but we (the people who fish there) are getting a pretty good deal for what we are spending on it. I am going out tomorrow to work on the timer for the lights. Regards, Tim Quote
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