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Hi Group,


My name is Gary Penner and Tom Gaunt from Rocky Mountain Flys put me on to your group. I have been taking a look at the website (very impressive) and look forward to coming out to meet some you at an upcoming gathering. I'm curious - how many members are in the club??

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Membership goes up and down a bit during the year

but last I heard we were somewhere between 150 and 200.

Vince can probably confirm that.


Attendance at meetings ranges from 25 to 60.

Last night we had 43 out.

Dave R

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Attendance at meetings ranges from 25 to 60.

Last night we had 43 out.

Dave R



He's makin that up... Of course - he's an engineer and civil servant.... Figures he'd actually count.


Hey - Wait a minute! I'll be civil for a moment.... Dave. Make me some leaders. Servant boy.


That felt good.

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Boys, Boys Boys ..is this the kind of stuff that goes on if your a cival servant...where do I sign on.


Gary, welcome. The club is a great place to hang out on a Wednesday night..always lots to learn, lots to see and always a good time. Coffee's good when I make it and terrible when Paul makes it so be sure to ask first.


Club membership is quite good, in fact, really good- I don't have the info in front of me but I think it's about 160 or so.


See you at the club


Vince (the Membership guy)

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