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Northern Lights This Week

dave robinson

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So what fun stuff is happening tommorow night?

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The newsletter is on-line, are you coming in to the meeting to pick up yer NHL fly booty?




And.. it looks like we need to get on top of updating the calendar on the main page too. I'd also like to see the clubs library on-line... wait.. those sound like election promises.




Yeah... not to sure how my name got on this list below. I need to talk to 'Mr. New Mexico' about that one. As I mentioned two meetings ago, I would seek nominations for Vice Presidency though. I am also interested in one of the FESA representative positions as well (I nominated Scratch for the other).


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Re Anniual Geeneral Meeting of the Northern Lights Fly Tyers and Fishers

At last week's meeting it was noted that all nominations for executive positions

must come from the floor at the Annual General Meeting.

The list in the newsletter was only of those who had indicated

they were prepared to stand for office,

(sorry for the misunderstanding about which position RB,

that part of the newsletter was put together in a hurry at the last minute)


It was also noted last week that written proxies would be accepted

for those who cannot attend.

So Dipper Dan, you can fire a note to your chosen proxy

and they can cast your vote on your behalf.


Remember to bring your membership card as they will be checked at the door

Only current members are allowed to vote.

If you haven't renewed yet, you can do so at the door.

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I have a dead rooster in my fridge. Once it dethaws (defrotsts.. whatever) I'm sorta committed to doit it up then. =)


Kinda looks like this one too, nice barred and badge saddles on it.




I'll see how he does it up, perhaps being my camcorder along.. watch and learn... take notes. I've done some ducks and grouse up in the past myself -- always eager to learn from others.


Now... sqwerls.. I be good at gutting the up. Just ask Scratch. :D









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Heyyyyy...Alex isnt supposed to be doing a demo!!!! Hes supposed to be mounting my deer!!!!


Ah, what the heck....I'll let him off for one night!



YOu should see the bird mounts he does! WOW!!!

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FYI Dave - et al....


For the February 1st meeting I'll be tying 3 patterns for the evening:


The "Water Docman" - Since Mike is so into Chironomids -- it will never be presented...

The Diving Halo Caddis

The Red But Weevil


The patterns for all 3 flies will be available on FlyAngler.ca by this weekend, and I'll try to have the patterns for Dave in time for the newsletter.




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Too late already.

It looks like the February newsletter will be a week late.

Normally it would be out today, but

I have yet to receive the program details.

So I will have to do it later this week or weekend

for release next Monday or Tuesday.


The best bet will be to post the program for next week on the web

probably on the weekend.



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You better be drinking it with me...I'm a paranoid person... :unsure:

Yup, we'll see you down at "Raisins" afterwards. If you're not paranoid yet... you will be.


No burn B)

Oh there looks to be a bit of pain in this photo. The shriek after for effect was good too.




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Hey guys...looks like I have missed out on all the fun lately! Unfortunately we had to put our puppy dog to sleep a couple of weeks ago and it has been pretty rough without her. We miss her terribly! I am hoping to come to the meeting this coming week and try to catch up but I haven't tied in weeks. Hopefully I haven't forgotten everything you have taught me! Anyway, hope to see you all soon!

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