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Innisfree 4H Club


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This is a rewrite of the invite from the Innisfree 4H club sent to us. This is what was brought forward at the last meeting. Since there were only a few members there, decided to post here so everyone can see and decide if they would like to attend.


Good afternoon Paul,

The Innisfree Fish & Game Club sponsors the Innisfree 4H Outdoor Club who you were good enough to host for a fly tying session last fall. The kids had a ball and learned alot - thanks again! We would like to invite you and your fellow club members out to our annual fish derby this month - Saturday, June 18th from 1-4pm at the trout pond just west of Innisfree. We would love to have you out to show our appreciation for the great day you spent with the kids. I've also sent the info to the Fishing Center. If you have any questions, please give me a call - hope to see you there.

Lori Leibel

Innisfree Fish & Game


I have already responded back to Lori, letting her know that June 18th is a very busy day. With our own annual fishing trip to the Brazeau, it would be a very tough sell.


I will be sending out another email to Lori after tomorrow's meeting, confirming if there will indeed be any members attending. I will bring it up again at Wednesday's meeting.


Anyone interested?



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It could be a lot of fun though - much like a trip to beaumont - with a longer drive. :)


I'm certainly considering it - since it's less trouble than getting the wife to let me go to Brazeau.



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It would seem that you would be the only one able to attend this outing. Everyone seems to be booked up already, including yours truly.


I will forward an email Thursday night to the 4H club stating that there may be one or two people interested.


Let me know.




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To be honest - I'm not planning to drive out alone so - I suspect that the message to them should indicate that while some members may be able to get out there - it's not likely....




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