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Jackfish Lk access


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  • 3 weeks later...

Well, In the past, Ive seen guys who go early in the A.M. and run the gate.... Now I'm not recomending this, but it has been done...


By the way, anyone catch any Walleye in Jackfish lately?


Good perch by the Island....

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Well - even if you get there before the gate is manned - you'll get gunned down by the ParkLandParking Nazi Bi$%tch.


She stood in front of Pacres and I - pointing at a little red parking stub - that I never got for my 10.00, and pointing at the sign - "READ the SIGN".


So - if you wanna fish Jackfish - either go a weekday to avoid the Nazi - or buy a cabin out there....


I'm thinking of writing off much of parkland cty. (Boy - wonder how long till they decide to charge for parking at Muir...



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